Fit For a King

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"Oh, look what we have here." Levi put his hands on his hips as the ginger girl barged into the room to see him with the big box of snacks popped wide open for anyone who walked in to see. "Looks like someone isn't following the dietary plan that they said they were." He felt very proud of himself, having a satisfactory smirk plastered onto his face.

"It's for my cheat day." Petra huffed, stomping quickly over to him to shut the box. "And why are you in my room, huh? Pervert." She snatched the key hastily from his hand and locked the box again, shoving it under her bed. "You couldn't have just stayed still for a minute while I talked to my dad?"

Levi shrugged, "that sounds like a long time to just stand there. And I wanted to take a nap." He put his hands on her shoulders and moved her out of the way. He walked slowly out of her bedroom, taking the maximum amount of time to do so as he could. 

Petra let out a long irritated sigh, following after him to make sure he didn't get into anything else he wasn't supposed to get into. "I'll show you to your room." She said in the most prominent voice she could muster. She needed to sound loud. She needed to sound like she was the one in control here, not him. But he didn't seem to care how loud she was. It was as if he was above everyone else in the universe. Even God himself. 

And she hated it.

She resented him for it.

Honestly, her brain was telling her to kick him out of the house right away. It was telling her to cancel his training, give him a box to live in on the streets, and move on with her life. There was no reason he should be living with her. No reason he should even be in contact with her outside of the gym. Yet he was here. In her house. While her brain shouted and screamed at her to make him leave.

But, whether she realized it or not, her heart was telling her to keep him in her life forever.

The two walked in silence, except the occasional, "don't touch that," or "don't go in there," said by Petra, before they finally got to the guest room he would be staying in. 

"Now, this is your room, there's no reason you should go anywhere but here, the living room, and the kitchen. There's a bathroom attached to the room, and a closet if you want to put your stuff in there. It's not the best, but it's enough." The golden-eyed girl opened the door, then gave him a small tour, just showing where everything was.

Levi was completely boggled. How could this not be the best? There was a king sized bed with a canopy above it. There were at least six pillows lied out neatly on the deep red sheet and black comforter. This was a room fit for a king, that's for sure. There was a white love seat and a white ball chair that was suspended from the ceiling. In front of the ball chair was a flat screen television that was on the wall. He could see the bathroom from where he was standing, as the door was open. There was a large shower with a frameless glass door. Inside the shower was a bench attached to the wall to sit on while showering. The closet, which was also open was a walk in closet, that had multiple shelves and mirrors.

"If you don't like the bed spread or whatever I can switch it with another room. This is just the easiest room to access and closest to everything you need."

"No, it's fine." Levi tried to act as if this was nothing, but it was everything he could have dreamed of. It was as if he was royalty. Where did this girl come from and how could she afford this as a personal trainer. Questions bounced off his mind and he wondered how she lived here. Without thinking, one of his thoughts, probably not the right answer, came out. 

"Are you a stripper aside from being a personal trainer?"

"No! Don't be a dick!" She yelled, her face going bright red. "Just stay in here until dinner!" She left and slammed the door loudly behind her. 

That wasn't the right answer for sure.

But he couldn't help but admire the room, or rather rooms. He had never seen a room like this. Aside from the room he only was in for a few minutes to find candy and junk food. That one was probably a little better. But this was his. He couldn't believe that this was his. Coming from a poor family and living on the streets, this was the best thing in the world. 

He lied on the bed. It smelled like newly washed sheets, as if she had just washed these. He sat up, his feet hanging off the bed. 

There was a knock on the door. 

"Come in," Levi called.

The door opened and Petra was there with an empty white basket. "Hey, if you need anything washed, just put it in here, okay? Tomorrow is laundry day, so just have it ready by the door by then. Uh, if you wanna get washed up for dinner, you can. I have some shampoo and conditioner in there. It's mens and it hasn't been used yet." She laughed, "I only got it because it was on sale. But, yeah, we're going out to eat because I forgot to get the lobster tails when I went shopping. Just be ready in about 3 hours." 

Petra smiled and put the basket down before leaving the room, shutting the door quietly.

Levi was more than grateful. She was like a god sent angel. He wanted to do something for her, but he didn't know what. What could he do that would come even close to matching what she's done for him. He looked at the basket, and an idea popped in his head.

He got off the bed and walked out of the room after her. "Petra!" He yelled.

She was only a few feet ahead of him. She turned around at the yell of her name. "Yeah?"

"I can do laundry tomorrow, you know, if you want me too." He offered, his voice sounding awkward.

Petra blinked in confusion, then smiled brightly. "That'd be wonderful, thank you so much." At that, she turned around to go to her own room.

Levi felt as if he had just performed heart surgery. He didn't know why it was so difficult to do something so easy, but it just was. He turned on his heel and went back to his room.

I should shower. He thought to himself, before going into the bathroom, the remainder of a smile on his lips as he thought of going to dinner tonight.


Dun dun dunnnnnn I'm back hope y'all enjoy okay adios sorry it's short. I'll write another chapter next week.

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