I Don't Like Him!

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"Holy shit! See! I told you he loves her! He actually got up early just to see her! And he's eating an apple! That's fruit! It's healthy!" Hanji fangirled as she entered the kitchen with Erwin.

Levi gave her a questioning look. "I'm only eating the apple because someone by the name of Hanji, took the family of pudding from the fridge."

"Still! You didn't go to McDonald's for breakfast, but you could've! That's love!"

"Hanji, I don't think he even wants a girlfriend after the whole Becky situation..." Erwin whispered.

"He's still hung up on that fat whore bitch? She is a worthless cheating slut! Get over her! Move on... To a new person... Maybe a gym instructor... Maybe someone named Petra..."

"Yeah, I'll just date the girl who nearly killed me and then gave me a ride home."

"Exactly! See? She loves you too! She gave you a ride after she kicked your ass! That's love!"

"Yes, I'll remember that next time I beat the shit out of you; it's just love. And I'll even give you a ride." Levi took another bite of his apple and swallowed before finishing. "To the hospital."

"Fuck you." Hanji laughed as she opened the fridge, getting a bunch of grapes out of it. "So? When's your date?"

"It's not a date. It's training that you signed me up for." Levi finished his apple, then skillfully threw it in the trash can.

"Ball is life." Erwin said as he grabbed one of Hanji's grapes.

"Whatever. I'm leaving now. I have to walk all the way to the gum." Levi stood up.

"Didn't she give you back your keys?"

"Yeah, but my car is at the gym, and if I walk, I'm gonna have to run 6 miles." Levi walked to the door and pulled his tennis shoes on.

"Awe! He's listening to what she says! That's adorable!"

"Fuck off." Levi opened the door and stepped out, slamming the door behind him.

He jogged down the driveway, but even that small distance made his breath ragged and short. "I really need to get out more..."

He continued to walk down the street, glaring at everything. A squirrel that passed him, a car that drove down the street.

He walked for a while before arriving at the gym, 20 minutes early.

Levi entered the gym, seeing the same black haired girl named Mikasa again.

"Come back to get your ass kicked again?" She snickered.

"Just check me in." Levi walked over to the same chair as yesterday and sat down. He reached into his pocket for his phone, only to remember that he threw it at the wall yesterday.

He silently cursed himself out for a while until someone walked up to him.

"Come on. Time to start."

"15 minutes early?" He looked up at the speaker, and stood up.

"Yeah, the trainee before you just sprained his ankle." Petra started walking towards the treadmills, Levi following.

"Wait." Levi stopped. "I walked here, I don't have to run."

"Yeah you do, just not 3 miles. I'm only gonna make you run half a mile at 4 mph on a level 6 incline. That's super easy."

"Yeah, easy for you to say."

"Get up there and run before I make it a mile."

"Fine." Levi stepped up on the treadmill and pressed quick start, then adjusted the speed and incline to what she had ordered.

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