You're Under Arrest.

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Hanji glared holes through Jeff's skull as he sat their plates of food down on the table. Jeff saw this and just smirked.

"Hanji... You're starting to look like Levi, it's scary..." Petra looked at Hanji worriedly, as she started to cut her pancakes.

"Whatever." Hanji attacked her pancakes furiously, pretending it was Jeff's face.

Jeff set down Erwin's plate, the last one he had been holding. "Can I get you anything else?" He asked, the question more directed towards Petra.

"Um, no we're good I think!" Petra smiled up at him, then went back to her food.

Jeff looked at her for a minute, then bent down and kissed her cheek. Petra's face went red with embarrassment.

"That's it!" Hanji stood up, and ripped off the leg of her chair. She charged at Jeff with it, then bashed it against his head and kicked him right between the legs. "That's what you get for fucking with my OTP's bitch!"

Levi choked on his pancakes and started shaking, trying to fight the urge to laugh. Erwin pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head, and Petra covered her mouth, eyes wide.

"HANJI! WHAT THE HELL?!" Petra stood up from her chair and got on her knees by Jeff. She examined his head, where Hanji had hit. "HANJI! You could have killed him!" Petra pulled out her phone and dialled three numbers; the police. She started giving the information and then hung up.

"He had it coming..." Hanji crossed her arms.

"He didn't do anything wrong! It's not like I have a relationship with anyone else! You could have just killed my possible boyfriend!"

"He would have been a terrible boyfriend!"

"Like me and Levi would be any better!"

"It would! He needs someone like you!"

"But I don't need someone like him! Congratulations! You're no longer training with me! Mikasa will train you from now on, I'm done." Petra stormed out of the building, getting in her car, and driving off.

A couple seconds later, the police and ambulance came into the parking lot. The police and paramedics came inside, they spotted Hanji and jogged over to her, putting handcuffs on her. "Ma'am, you are under arrest for the damage of property, assault, speeding, and running 2 red lights. You have the right to remain silent, anything you say, can, and will, be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney, if you can not afford one, one will be appointed to you. Do you understand the rights I have just read to you?" Hanji did not respond, she was too shocked that Petra had just walked out on them. "Ma'am? Do you understand?"

Hanji looked at her surroundings, there was no clear path to the door, but there was one to a seemingly non-penetrable window. She broke free of the policeman's grasp, and jumped, putting her hands under her feet and then in front of her, kicking the police man as she landed. She grabbed the chair leg that she had previously broke off and sprinted towards the window. Upon reaching the window, she broke through it with the leg of the chair. "Later, fuckers!"

Hanji looked around, she saw her car, but remembered the keys were with Erwin. She looked at the police car and saw it was still running. "Dumbasses." She thought as she ran towards it. Upon entering, she locked the door. Hanji pulled one of her bobby pins out of her hair and put it in her mouth; using it to unlock the handcuffs. Once her hands were free, she shifted the gear into reverse and backed up, hitting a tree. She looked back at the tree. "Whoops! I should probably put my glasses on!" She laughed and grabbed her glasses from her pocket, putting them on her face.

Erwin and Levi just continued to eat their food, pretending not to know the psycho woman.

Hanji turned out of the parking lot and sped down the wrong side of the street, sirens blaring. "Now I see why police like these so much! Everyone gets out of the way and no one cares how horribly you drive!" Hanji laughed as she continued on her way to home.

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