You Must!

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"Levi!" Hanji yelled to the man sleeping on the couch.

Levi groaned and groggily opened his eyes and sat up. "Yeah, gym, I know."

"What? No, you don't have to go today! But you have to get up to get ready!" Hanji said, an evil glint in her eyes.

"Why?" Levi stood up and walked to the kitchen.

Hanji followed him. "Well, I called Petra-"

"Great..." Levi opened the fridge and examined it.

"-and she said that she had the day off, so I talked to her about it and we decided that maybe we should hang out!"

"She wants to hang out with me?"

"Well she didn't say anything about you, but it's just a plus one! But wasn't my plan just super smart, huh?"

"Genius." Levi rolled his eyes and shut the fridge, the foods in it not interesting him.

"I know right! So we're going to get frozen yogurt and then go see a movie!"

"Do we have to? Seriously, I don't want to spend any more time with her. She tortures me."

"That means she likes you. Girls are mean to guys when they like them!"


"No! Come on, we're going shopping! You need clothes for your date!”

“I'm not going.”

“Yes you are! You have to! It’s destined for you two to get married and have kids and grow old together and have grandkids that hate you but love her! It’s destiny! Tell him Erwin!”

“What she said.” Erwin didn’t look up from his newspaper.

“I’m still not going. So you can forget about your little destiny thing and find some other person to make miserable.”

“No! I have to make you miserable! That’s what gives me joy in life!”

“I don’t care.”

“Nope! Come on!” Hanji grabbed Levi’s wrist and started dragging him to the door. “We’re leaving; get your shoes on.”

“I’m not getting my shoes on and I’m not leaving.”

“Fine! We’ll go without shoes, but you are NOT getting out of this do you hear me?!”

“Just go on this “date” yourself.”

“No! I can't do that! You guys are my OTP! You have to be together!”

“What the hell is an OTP?”

“One true pairing! Come on, Levi, I didn’t know you were that stupid. Get your shoes on!”

“If I get my shoes on can I at least go alone and get my own outfit?”

“No! You might get a pretzel in the mall or something.”

“I wouldn’t get-” Levi was interrupted by Hanji’s phone ringing.

Hanji reached in her back left pocket and pulled her cell phone out. “Hello?” There was some incomprehensive words, then Hanji started flipping out; she held the phone to her chest. “It’s your girlfriend!” She put the phone back to her ear. “Yeah, what do you need?... Uh-huh… Yeah, he’s right here… He hasn’t had breakfast yet… Okay.” She held the phone to her chest once more. “She said you have to eat a yogurt and fruit for breakfast.”

“Well we’re out of fruit and when have we ever had yogurt?” Levi began to put on his shoes.

“Ooh! I have an idea!” Hanji placed the phone next to her ear. “We don’t have any fruits really, so maybe we could meet with you for breakfast at iHop?” Hanji was shaking with excitement. A few seconds passed and then she started jumping up and down. “The one on 52nd street? Yes! Okay we’ll be there in about 20 minutes!... Yup! Okay, thanks!” She pressed the end call button. “Erwin! Get some of your best clothes on, we’re going to breakfast with Levi’s girlfriend!” Hanji was squealing as she ran back to her room to get some nicer clothes. “You too Levi!” She called from her room.

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