Mrs. Pudding

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Chapter 2! Hope you guys like it! Dedicated to GummieGenesis


Levi awoke as he felt a tingling pain in his left cheek.

"The fatass finally woke up!" Hanji crossed her arms.

"What? I was just at..." Levi trailed off.

"You fell asleep during the workout! Do you know how embarrassing it is to have to go to the gym to get a guy who fell asleep during his workout?"

"No, I have never had to do that so..."

"Whatever. It's lunch time. Erwin brought you home some Subway." Hanji left his room, leaving the door open.

Levi reached in his pocket to find his phone and keys not there. He then remembered how Petra had taken them. "Fuck! Hanji!" Levi lifted himself off his bed to find his legs sore. He flinched in pain as he walked to the kitchen.

“Hanji! I need you to drive me back to the gym!”

“Sorry but you’re gonna have to wait til tomorrow to see your little crush. Plus, she has another trainee right now.”

“That’s not the problem shitty glasses. She has my phone and keys!”

“Not my problem. I told you not to drive there, but no! I’m Mr. Tough Guy Levi, I don’t need to listen to what some girl says.”

“Are you mocking me?”

“Well apparently!”

“Just bring me to the gym.”

“Walk there.”

“Maybe I will!”

“Good! Then go!”

“Fine!” Levi walked over to the door, putting his shoes on before opening the door, going outside, and shutting it behind him.

Erwin looked at Hanji. “So… Can I eat his sub?”

Levi walked down the street, kicking a rock as he walked. “Stupid fucking trainer. She could have at least given my shit to shitty glasses so I wouldn’t have to walk all the way to the fucking gym. And who does she think she is? She can’t just take MY belongings like that! Especially my phone! I need that fucking thing! Then she goes and makes me run 3 miles just because I didn’t walk here and drove instead because that’s what normal fucking people do! Fucking tree hugger. Probably gonna lecture me about how it’s bad for the environment or some shit.”

Levi continued to walk, the slight breeze blowing his hair and clothes. He walked for a while before finally arriving at the gym. He walked through the doors with what little energy he had left after the hard training and excruciating walk.

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