New Tenant

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“Where could he be?” Hanji asked herself in a quiet whisper as she looked out her car windows for the raven haired man. “Couldn’t have gotten that far. He’s only been going to the gym for about a week.” She laughed to herself, “Probably stopped at a Taco Bell or McDonald’s to get a Big Mac, or a Doritos Locos Taco.”

She continued her drive, not knowing that Levi had gone the complete other direction.

“Why is it so fucking cold.” Levi mumbled, pulling his sweater closer to his body. “Should’ve grabbed a coat or something…”

“Do you need a ride?” A voice said from his right, he turned to see a black camaro, with none other than Petra sitting in the drivers seat.

“I’m good. You can leave, I don’t need anyone’s help. Especially yours.” Levi refused harshly.

“Oh come on. I can give you a ride home.” She offered.

“Yeah, this is my home.” Levi gestured to the sidewalk around him.

“What do you mean? You live with Hanji-san.”

“Yeah, not anymore. Just got kicked out.”

“Oh,” She said dejectedly, “do you need somewhere to stay?”

“Thanks, but no thanks. I’m more than capable of finding a place to live without your assistance.

“Whatever you say. I was just trying to be helpful.” Petra began to roll the window up.

“Wait.” Levi stopped her, seemingly reluctantly. “Could I possibly just spend one night? I’ll be gone by morning.”

Petra eyed him for a moment. “Then what are you waiting for? Get in.”

Levi nodded a thank you, and opened the passenger door, getting in, and shutting it behind him.

“So, what did you do to get kicked out?” Petra attempted to make small talk.

“Why the hell do you want to know?”

“Just wondering… Had to be pretty serious. I mean, for Hanji-san of course. She’s broken the law multiple times.”

‘It’s because I’m broke.”

“Ah, so you need a job, am I right?”

“I need money, not a job.”

“You can just find a job, you know? There’s a lot of job offerings around town. Maybe you should apply for one?”

“I’m not going to apply for a stupid job.”

“Then have fun in the streets. You want me to get you a refrigerator box to live in? And I’m sure the alley cats would love you. And all the mice that’ll crawl all over you in your sleep, and the cockroaches, and spiders, and-”

“Fine!” He interrupted her, “I’ll apply for a stupid job!”

“That’s the spirit!” Petra cheered as she turned into the driveway of a house. If you could even call it that. It looked like more of a mansion.

“You live here? Are you serious? How much does that gym pay you?” Levi stared at the house in awe.

Petra just giggled. “Not that much believe it or not. Anyways, ready to go inside?"

"We're actually going inside that thing? Isn't breaking and entering against the law."

"Really?" Petra put her hand on her hips. "You still don't believe this is my house?"

"Well," Levi eyed the house then looked at her, and at the house once more, "you do seem like the type of person to live here."

"What's that supposed to mean!?" She yelled, irritated.

"It's just that you seem like a rich chic. Look at the car you drive," He pointed to the car that they had just exited, "and now your house? It's kinda obvious that your rich. So, what other job do you have?"

"I don't have another job." Petra said, completely honest.

"Whatever you say, come on, let's go inside the castle." Levi started walking up the path to the front doors, his hands in his pockets, and slouching as he walked.

Petra follows him, mumbling about how it was not a castle, and locking her car by pressing the button on the keys. She noticed his poor posture and punched his upper right arm, not very hard, at least in her opinion. 

"Hey, what the hell?" Levi glared at her, stopping in his place, and held his right arm with his left hand. Damn. She can punch pretty hard for a girl... He thought, or at least thought he did, but realized that he said it out loud, when he recieved another punch, this time to his chest. "Sorry! God, woman..."

"Watch your posture. And your mouth." Petra shot him a dirty look before walking passed him and to the door, placing the key into the key slot, and turning it to the right, then opening the door. 

Levi followed, dragging his feet, "Watch your posture. Watch your attitude." He mocked, "God who are you, my mother? Jeez," He mumbled quietly to himself, "give me a break. No need to be such a bitch." He followed her into the house, not even bothering to look around, but walking to the kitchen. He had looked through a few of the wrong doors before finding the right one, and having a mini celebration in his mind when he saw how big it was.

"Ah, so Lady Ral has a 'special' guest?" An older man, not any younger than 50, asked. He has grey hair, and was wearing a black suit with a tailcoat. In all honesty, he looked like a butler, "She's way too young for this kind of thing, her father will not be pleased..."

"Hey princess!" Levi called out to Petra, "Why didn't you tell me you had a butler too?" He rolled his eyes, and walked to the fridge, opening it and scanning the inside, "Not a castle my ass. I'm calling bullshit." Levi mumbled to himself, then winced in pain as he felt something hard hit the back of his head. "What the fuck?!" He looked away from the food, and groaned in annoyance when he saw Petra on the other side of the room with an apple in her hand.

"I told you to watch your mouth. Stay out of my fridge. You can have that apple that I just threw at you though." She smiled, and threw the apple in the air, then catching it again. "And he's not my butler."

"Like hell." Levi picked up the apple, then setting it down on the counter. 

"Alright. Time to make some rules." Petra sighed, feeling like she was babysitting a child.

"Fuck rules. Let's just throw a party." Levi suggested, grabbing one of the two handles on her twin door fridge, and pulling it open.

Petra, who was one hundred percent done with Levi's shit, took the apple that was in her hand and chucked it as hard as she could at his back, making him stand straight up, and turn towards her, clenching his teeth in anger. "Rule number 1," Petra grabbed and orange from the fruit basket, tossing it from hand to hand, "stay out of my fridge."

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