Home Alone (pt.1)

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(( can we take a moment to appreciate this beautiful photo of troye? Also... DON'T QUESTION MY CONTENT ..... *cough* okay well this is pretty fucked up. Oh yeah I FUCKING KNOW I POST PAINFULLY SLOWLY SORRY BUT I have a pretty shitty life, I'm trying to deal with moving school for the third time this year along with the face that I want to die 24/7 :) so yeah life's great  ))

Wolf ☆

"Wolfie! Storm! We're going out," I spot a glimpse of daddies smiles as walks over petting my soft fur.
Tonight is date night for dad and daddy, I heard they're going to some thing called a restaurant.  Anyways, me and stormy wanna go play by the pool but dad locks the doors, I'm big enough to open them but I'll get blame and daddy will be mad. So we decided to hide under daddy's bed and chew dads hats.

Just kidding, we're gonna fuck.







Daddy leaves with a wave and storm rolls his eyes " you can talk now!" I sigh in relief knowing we an quit pretending to be normal dogs. " I know."

"Let's go steal food" storm happily waddles off to the pantry using his mussle to bust open the door.
"All you care about in life is food" I complain. " you wouldn't understand you're too little" he wags his tail in satisfaction of the feast that lays before him "I'm a big boy!" I whine entering the pantry with him " so... What's for lunch?"I ask as wolf tears open a box of crackers "crunchy stuff" he mutters whilst taking some into his mouth
"Sounds good" I smile weakly admiring the view I got as I sit swallowing the mouthful of "crunchy stuff"

We share conversation for a while until one thing pops up "wanna fuck whilst dads are gone? " wolf days casually as my response follows by a sigh and a " yeah k" I groan "but I can't be bothered... Too much effort, I have shit to do like chew the pillows opennnn and I'm eat daddy's shoes. I have a busy schedule wolf, I can't always let you get in the way of it... But maybe just once." I shrug turning around and head to the living room as my paws pads along the wooden floor " you coming?"

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