Yooooo its an update!

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Welp, sorry I've kind of abandoned this book but guess what? Lmao that was rhetorical of course you can't answer rn haha aren't I hilarious.... what's that? No? Okay whatever... but I'm working on a chapter and no it doesn't have doggy incest in it but its in a school setting and it's actually really long but I just wanted to let y'all know that I'm alive I guess.

The reason I haven't been writing as much is because  I'm working on my art a lot and it's because of it all of these stupid pathetic doctors appointments, just been diagnosed with anxiety, social anxiety, depression.. but I already knew I had those anyway so yeah.... how's life for you is it as depressing as mine? Probably nit but feel free to tell me :):

P.S if you read any of my other book let me know which ones you read because I want to know which ones to update first.

P.P.S.S y'all should go read my other books ;)

( also guess what? I've lost 700 followers within the last five months lmao somebody shoot me satan I'm ready, take me)


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