The Rise Of The Phoenix~The History Of Us

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Aphmau's POV:

I'm still heart broken about having to put the death penalty on Brian and to be the one to do it. I know everyone is feeling guilty because of the awkward silence at the table. I can't take this silence no more.

"Guys, I'm just as heart broken as you all, but it is over with now. Let's talk about something."

"Like what?We are to depressed to think of anything." I'm surprised Aaron said that. He never speaks up to me. He must be feeling guilty because if he wasn't, he wouldn't have said something.

"Well, what about the beginning of Phoenix Drop and I've gotten to know all of you? Starting with Garroth." Flashbacks start to appear in my head.

"I remember it as it was yesterday. I didn't know who my family was, I didn't know anyone, and a strange man had helped me through the woods and I didn't who he was. I came across a small village while I was looking for somewhere to rest for the day and hopefully call home. I helped out with repairing some areas and even changing up the village. I got to know some of the people, including Garroth. He was so nice to me and helped me with many matters. He also had his student, Zenix. He was nice at the time. Little did I know that he was, and still is a Shadow Night."

"Then I started to fall for you. We took several trips to different villages such as Mateli (I know I've been saying Brightport but I just realized it was wrong. SO SO SORRY)."

"And that's how Aphmau came to know me. I was the guard to welcome her and became a flirt like Travis. I did, honestly, start to fall for her not for just her looks but her personality. I went back with her to the village she become the lord of. I got to know her and I already knew Garroth. We were both on the list for the Jury of Nine."

"You both would get in arguments a lot of the time too. Then Cadenza went missing and Laurence and I went back to Mateli to find her. They had accused the Chicken Shamon of the crime but we wanted, well Laurence wanted to I was forced, to prove him innocent. The Chicken Shamon got himself in trouble in the Nether so we went and saved him. We made it out."

"All but me. I sacrificed myself to save Castor and Aphmau. I'm still glad I did. They torchered me and made me into a Shadow Night. I came to know Sasha and Gene. I knew about the Shadow Lord(Shad), and then Urngurth saved me from the Nether."

"Aphmau and I saw and heard the blast so we ran as fast as we could to see where it came from. When we found the sight of the crash,we saw Laurence unconscious and Urngurth.....dying. Aphmau was able to speak with Urngurth to see what happened and then he was gone. Laurence was taken to Aphmau's house immediately and treated for by Zoey. Aphmau, fortunately, found Cadenza and she moved here. She took care of Laurence and made him look like he did when he was a kid. The only difference was, he was blind."

"Either Garroth or I had to lead him everywhere. Then one day, he was able to see. He had that sky blue color in his eyes. That was and still is the Laurence I wanted to know and the Laurence, back then, I loved. Life was good. Donna and Logan were married but, while on their honeymoon, were kidnapped by the eastern werewolf tribe. That's how I met Dante. Him and Donna escaped but Logan was still a prisoner. Eventually I and Garroth were accidentally caught while trying to save Logan and the I met Lucinda."

"Aphmau was turned into a baby werewolf by Lucinda and she managed to escape. Thanks to Malachi, who stowed away, she was able to make it in and out of the prison cell. We all escaped and returned to the western wolf tribe. I became one of Aphmau's guards and then Phoenix Drop was known to have three guards who were on the Jury of Nine list. That proved to be a threat to other villages."

"Aphmau, Garroth, Dante, and I had to think of something. We had new people come into the village and we housed them."

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