The meeting

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The room was dark, only illuminated by the row of tanks full of translucent jellyfish, she strolled leisurely among the tanks. Feeling calm and at ease among docile creatures, watching as they moved about their environment slowly. The lights in their tanks changed color periodically making the jellyfish change as well, making them seem more like magical creatures.

"C'mon mommy, this way!" The shrill voice of the excited child was her queue to leave and move on to the next exhibit. It's not that she did not like children but today was her day to finally relax and unwind and some noisy child was not going to ruin this trip for her.

She left the jellyfish and the little noise maker behind, and found herself in a tunnel made entirely of plexiglass, she was surrounded on all sides by marine life. The coral reefs blossomed and loomed over head in the blue water as the seaweed danced and waved with each movement of the neighboring fish.

Nurse sharks swam above her head without a care in the world and Moray eels poked their heads out of their hiding spots surveying the land.

She'd always found joy in all aspects of the ocean, the animals, how gentle and unforgiving the sea could be. The way the water shimmered in the sunlight, how it moved, the way it softly caressed her skin, the thousands of creatures it held in its depths, and the way it could give life as easily as it could take it away.

Leaving the tunnel, she made her way past tanks that lined the walls with graceful sea dragons floating and hiding in plain sight among the vegetation. In the middle of the room were tanks full of sea crabs, some with sea horses and starfish or with other small bottom feeders.

Moving on, she left the bottom feeders to the child that seemed to be gaining on her, she came upon her favorite exhibit. Walking down towards an open bench she saw away from the group congregating against the glass. Looking up, one of the largest creatures loomed over everyone's heads.

The tank towered above them all, hundreds of gallons of clear blue water that held some of the biggest and most beautiful of sea creatures

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The tank towered above them all, hundreds of gallons of clear blue water that held some of the biggest and most beautiful of sea creatures. Whale sharks cut through the water like they owned the place, and giant manta rays followed close behind. Some swam to the middle of the tank and began to barrel role making all the children laugh and some adults 'oooh and ahh' at their little activity.

She always loved these gentle giants and their overwhelming presence, how effortlessly they moved around the tank captivated her. This is where she liked to spend most of her time at the Gotham City Aquarium, watching the animals swim about their confined space always calmed her. It was like watching your goldfish swim around in its tank but these were 100x bigger and were more exotic than your average pet store fish.

With all the mayhem that spread throughout Gotham everyday she felt like this was the only place where there was absolute peace. Aside from the screaming children banging on the glass but at least nobody was getting robbed or shot. It was almost like the criminals either didn't know this was here or they decided to let the citizens of Gotham have one special thing to themselves.

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