The Runaway

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Slung over The Joker's shoulder, Iris was carried across the foyer and down the hall. He had a strong hold on the back of her legs, making it impossible to move. Iris looked up through her hair and saw his men doing their best to act like they couldn't see what was happening.

He shifted her weight on his shoulder, throwing her forward, Iris squeaked and pushed at his back trying her hardest to keep from falling. Her legs swung in front of his face as he stalked his way through the mansion.
Only able to look at the ground, she tried to focus on that rather than the fact that The Joker's butt was inches away from her face. She heard the sound of a lock popping then he opened a door, stepping inside he threw Iris onto the bed in the middle of a small dark room.

Iris bounced up and down on the mattress, when she stopped she stared up at The Joker. He stood in the doorway looking down at her, his eyes traveling up and down her body.

"Sit tight, Kitten." With a small bow he walked out of the room and shut the door. Iris could hear men talking on the other side of the door, then it all stopped. Iris jumped off of the bed and tiptoed over to the door, when she reached it she pressed her ear against the wood. For a while she couldn't hear a thing, then someone began speaking again.

"Why do we have to stand here, man?"

"Boss said to babysit, so we babysit." They were right outside the door.


Her hand floated up to the doorknob and she turned it. The door opened slightly and light seeped into the room. Through the crack she could see one of their legs, standing right next to the door.

'Where is the other one?'

"Get your ass back in there!" The door slammed shut in her face and Iris jumped back against the bed.

'He posted guards?'

Iris turned and looked around the room. Using the bed as leverage she spotted a vent high up on the wall. She ran to the other side of the bed and tried to push it to the wall.

'Ugh, of course its too heavy.'

Iris looked around the room again, this time she saw a window and her hope began to soar. Spinning around in a small circle, she searched but there wasn't anything to use, not a lamp or a chair not even a pen.

'There has to be something that'll break the window.'

Dropping to the floor, she ran her hands underneath the bed still hoping to find something to launch through the window . Just as she was about to give up her hand brushed against something cold and hard. She pulled it from under the bed, it was a gun made of heavy black metal. Looking down at the gun she had a thought and turned her attention to the door.

'What're you going to do, shoot through the door and just hope you hit the guards?'

Sighing she looked back down at the gun.

'Everyone in the house would hear.'

"I could break the glass...but they'd get to me before I could get out." Suddenly she had an idea.

Iris ran over to the window and tried the latch, it opened with ease and she decided to open up the window. She looked back at the door to see if the men heard anything; when the door didn't open she stuck her head out and looked around for anyone posted outside.

Glancing back at the door, she swung her legs out of the window and jumped down behind the bushes. She glanced around once more, upon seeing no one, she made a break for it. Iris burst from the bushes and ran, at full speed, down the hill. When she reached the bottom she heard a man's voice.

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