The Date

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"I guess its time to get ready for my hot date!" She said looking down at her dog, Raksha. She was still pretty young, with wise yellow eyes and looked way more wolf than dog.

"Don't look at me like that, I'll send it when I'm good and ready." For hours she had been trying to summon up the courage to send Bruce her address. It was already typed out and ready to send but she couldn't bring herself to do it. Raksha stared up at Iris making her feel guilty for not sending it.

"It was nerve wracking, trying to figure out how to make the right first impression. But nooo you don't have to worry about this do you?" She said to the furry creature that sat at her feet.

It was four thirty when Iris finally summoned the courage to send Bruce her address. After the text went through, she jumped down from the kitchen counter and went to the bathroom to freshen up, dropping her phone off in her room on the way. Before stepping foot in the bathroom she heard her phone chime and ran back down the hall to get it.

'Was he just waiting by the phone?'

Quite formal aren't you?

'So he does have a sense of humor'

His text me made her giggle. Quickly she shot one back.

Only when i have to be Mister Wayne, lol.

'Do business men even use lol?'

She thought, instantly regretting sending him the text. She felt like what ever sophistication Bruce may have thought she had just flew out the window.

lol, understandable. I'll be there to pick you up at 6:30.

'Well, I guess they do.'

Smiling, she put the phone down and turned to the closet hoping to find the perfect outfit for her date tonight. She looked through her clothes in vain when she realized that she didn't know where they were going.

What should I wear tonight?

Almost immediately she got a text back

Something beautiful.

'That literally tells me NOTHING Bruce.'

She rolled her eyes as she plopped down on her bed, staring at her closet. She watched as Raksha came into the room; hoping to ask her what she should do but the grey dog jumped on the bed and closed her eyes.

'So much for your opinion'

Iris rubbed between Raksha's ears then walked over to the closet. Finally she decided on a navy blue maxi dress with a thin brown belt and light brown sandals to match. Bruce hadn't given her any real information as to where they were going, so she figured sandals were her safest bet.

After she laid out her outfit, she made her way back to the bathroom to take a quick shower. She plugged her phone into the speakers and began to play her 'Shower time mix.'

The water flowed down her body as she stood underneath the shower head humming along with her music. She swayed to the music as she thought about what possibilities tonight would hold.

'What is like to date a man like Bruce?'

As the song came to an end, she stepped out of the shower and stopped at the mirror. She stared at herself in the mirror for a while, trying to find enough confidence to get her through this dinner.

'I can do this'

She repeated it over and over in her head as she wrapped the towel around herself and walked down the hall to her bedroom. Raksha was still laying in the middle of her bed when Iris walked in.

Iris.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin