Masquerade Part 1

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"Its time to get ready, Princess." Bruce leaned down and whispered in her ear, shaking her shoulder. Iris tossed the covers over her head as he walked back into the bathroom. He allowed her to take a small nap while the fundraiser started but nap time was over.

She had been staying with Bruce for the past couple of days. The first night Bruce took her back to her apartment to pick up Raksha and a couple of other things she needed but wouldn't let Bruce buy for her. He even drove her to and from work, meeting her outside her job every day for lunch.

"Do I really have to get up?" She complained as she poked her head out from underneath the covers. He was still in the bathroom struggling with his bowtie in the mirror.

"I definitely think that you should join the party. There is going to be food, alcohol, and..."

"Old, lonely men with too much money undressing me with their eyes as they try to keep up the small talk so that they can continue to undress me." She rolled her eyes and sunk back into the bed. She hated being ogled at like she was some prized piece of meat.

"They're not all like that. Besides, I'll be there to protect you from the old scary men." He walked out of the building taunting her, still struggling with his bow tie.

'Bruce Wayne, eccentric billionaire has trouble tying his tie.'

With a sly smile Iris got up and made her way to him. She wore a silk royal blue nightgown with a matching robe that billowed out behind her as she walked. He watched her intently as she undid his mess and tied the bowtie perfectly.

 He watched her intently as she undid his mess and tied the bowtie perfectly

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"All set Mr. Wayne." She smiled up at him, patting his chest and admired her handiwork. He tore his gaze away from her to look in the full length mirror on the wall next to them.

"I'll see you down stairs, okay Iris." His voice was playfully stern as he placed a gentle kiss on her lips. He took one more look in the mirror and then walked over to the bedroom door.

"I'll be down within the hour." She swore.

"Okay. There is another little surprise in the drawer for you, wait until you're ready to come down before you open it." Without waiting for a response he winked and was out the door. She turned around and looked the bedside drawer and was tempted to open it up but decided for once she'd do as she was told.

Iris walked into Bruce's closet, where he'd been keeping her gown, he told her that it was a surprise and she couldn't see it until the night of the fundraiser. In the middle of the closet floor was a large white box with a bow, she picked it up and walked back into the bedroom, she placed the box on the bed and pulled at the bow.

She opened the box to reveal the most beautiful dress she'd ever seen. Underneath the dress was a pair of strappy black louboutins and a pair of large diamond studded earrings.

'oh my...'

She squealed and ran into the bathroom where Bruce left all the make up that he'd bought her. She gave herself a drastic black smokey eye, accentuating her brown eyes, then a fierce red lip. Finally she gave herself an elegant mohawk, slicking down the sides of her hair and styling the rest in curls that fell down her back.

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