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Frost led Iris into the building, there was no line outside of this one. Inside the club was more elegant than the one from the night before. There were men in full suits smoking cigars, their arms wrapped around women that wore fur across their shoulders and gaudy diamonds around their necks. They sat at small round tables as the watched a woman on stage singing while dancers swayed to her voice on smaller stages scattered through the audience.

 They sat at small round tables as the watched a woman on stage singing while dancers swayed to her voice on smaller stages scattered through the audience

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Iris wore a tight purple dress that hugged her curves with matching crocodile skin heels. Her hair fell past her shoulders in curls that bounced every time she moved, a chunky gold chain clung to her wrist. On the chain was a small diamond encrusted J, she had no idea why it was there but she didn't pay it any mind.

She watched the dancers flow to the woman's voice like the music was an extension of themselves. These dancers weren't like the ones at the club, the moved in the most gracefully seductive way. They looked like sirens luring the men in the club to their deaths. Frost walked away as Iris kept her eyes glued to the dancers, their moves were hypnotic. She walked closer trying to get a better look when she bumped into a man walking in the opposite direction.

"I'm so so sorry—" She was face to face with one of the most respected crime lords in Gotham.

"D-don Falcone..." Her eyes widened in shock as she stood there staring at him. She bowed her head cast her eyes down, terrified of what he might do to her.

"Don't worry about it, enjoy your night." He gestured to the bartender and then continued out of the building. Iris took a deep breath walked over to the bar where a martini was sitting on a napkin waiting for her. She sat on a stool and turned to watch the women perform.

"The boss is ready for you." Frost seemed to show up out of nowhere. She followed him out of the showroom to an elevator with gold doors that they took it all the way up to the top floor. He led her down a short hallway where at the end was a door leading into an office.

"Wait here." Frost turned on his heel and shut the door.

'You're kidding.'

Iris rolled her eyes and walked around the office stopping at the bookshelf, looking over the small collection of literature. The wall opposite to her was made entirely of glass, she walked towards and found that the office was overlooking the entire showroom. She sipped at her martini as she watched the women continue their show, a few of them danced elegantly with giant pink and white feather fans others were serving drinks to the customers.

 She sipped at her martini as she watched the women continue their show, a few of them danced elegantly with giant pink and white feather fans others were serving drinks to the customers

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