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Raksha whimpered quietly as she lay next to Iris' sleeping form, she licked her cheek gently in hopes of waking her up. Iris groaned she started to stir, the room was bright and her vision was blurry. When her vision came into focus she was greeted by big yellow eyes and a huge sloppy kiss. Raksha's tail began to thump against the bed as she watched Iris turn over and sigh into her pillows.

'How in the hell did I get back here?'

"What the fuck?" She sat up with a start. Iris looked down at her clothes, she was still wearing the dress from last night. She threw herself back into her pillows in frustration, immediately regretting her decision.

'What the fuck?'

"Oh my god, my head!" Iris flipped over and stuffed her face into her pillows, sighing deeply. Her body ached and she just wanted to go back to sleep, Raksha snuggled closer to Iris and began to lick her arm.

"You're too good to me" her voice was muffled by the pillows while she reached over trying to pet her. With a loud groan Iris forced herself out of bed and walked down the hall to the bathroom.

She took a quick shower to wash off last night's mysterious adventures and the make up that was smeared across her face. Feeling much more like an actual person she stepped out of the shower and wrapped herself in a fluffy pink robe and made her way back to the bedroom, just then her phone began to ring.

"Ugh, what do you want!?" she yelled at her phone. She ran down the hall and answered the call without looking to see who it was.

"Hello?" she said trying to hide her annoyance.

"It's Bruce."

'Why is Bruce calling me?'

"Um, hi" She was confused as to why he was calling her so early in the morning.

"I wanted to apologize for last night. I know I let you down and I really want to make up for it." Iris sat down on her bed and crossed her legs while she listened to Bruce on the other line.

"Thanks for the apology. " She tried to remain indifferent towards him but she couldn't help but think about how good a time they had together before he left. She got up from her bed and started to walk around the room, racking her brain for something to say.

"Well, I'm in the neighborhood and thought that I'd drop by."

"Wait, what?" Iris slipped on a short and fell hard on her bedroom floor, yelping when she hit the floor her phone slid away from her. She rolled over on her side to rub her lower back.

"Are you okay?" She heard him say on the phone. She crawled over to it as fast as she could, trying not to worry him.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Where did you say you were?" Iris was slowly picking herself up off the ground. Her heart began to pound inside her chest as she waited for Bruce's answer.

"I said I'm in the neighborhood. Well, actually I'm at your front door."

'What the fuck?'

*Ding dong*


Iris dropped her phone and ran over to her vanity mirror, checking her hair and making sure that all of last night's make up was gone. She ran out of her room and down the hall, when she reached the door she wrenched it open and stood in front of a very sweaty Bruce.

Her jaw dropped at the sight of him, he had on a grey Gotham City University shirt and black sweat pants, his hair was wet and hanging in his face.

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