At Last

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"Sir please! I-I tried to but she won't let me in!" The doctor was on his hands and knees pleading for his life, tears streaming down his face. He cowered under The Joker's malicious blue gaze. He claimed that he tried everything to get into the room but the door wouldn't budge.

"You obviously haven't tried everything." He was growing impatient with the man on the floor. Rolling his eyes, he ran his fingers through his hair, collecting his thoughts before gesturing to his men. The doctor began to hyperventilate as The Joker's goons and began threw themselves against the door, using all of their weight to break it down.

He stood by watching the two numbskulls using brute force to get him into the room. One last hit and there was a loud crash on the other side of the door. The biggest of the two rammed the door once more and it flew off of the hinges. The goon dusted himself and stepped aside. Joker pulled out his gun and turned to the doctor at his feet and shrugged his shoulders before shooting him between the eyes.

"And down he goes!" Joker erupted into a crazed laughter. He placed his gun back in its holster. Slicking his hair back, he ordered his men to stay put as he walked through the broken doorway. He stood on top of the broken door and dresser, frowning as he looked around the seemingly empty room.

"Come out, come out where ever you are!" He sang in a high voice full of mirth, though his face was anything but. She was hiding from him. Refusing to come out when called infuriated him, his anger boiled hot. He growled deeply, rolling his neck, his gaze landing on the closed bathroom door.

'She is to come when called.'

Rather than try the door knob, he opted out to break this door down as well. With one swift kick, the door flew open. Iris was on the floor, propped up against the far wall of the bathroom looking rather pale. She could barely hold her head up to look at him. She sat there shaking slightly her breathing labored a thin sheen of sweat on her forehead glistened in the fluorescent light.

"What did you do to me?" Her voice was weak and pathetic. She stared down at her mangled arm. The Joker was confused, obviously she knew what happened to her.

"I said what did you do!?" Her voice cracked as she screamed as loud as she could. A mix of defiance, fear and hatred flashed through her corpse-like eyes. As calm as he could, he stalked over to her and knelt down, bathing in the glare of her glorious anger. He grabbed her chin.

"Don't!" Iris swatted him away. Furious, he slapped her hands away and wrapped his hand around her throat, convulsing with rage. Hand still on her throat he rose until her feet dangled inches away from the floor. Iris wrapped her hands around his wrist trying to pry him off.

"You are mine. I will touch you when I want. Do you understand?" He pointed a stern finger in her face. She looked between him and the finger in her face, still struggling with the hand around her throat.

"Yes." She croaked, her face beginning to turn red.

"Yes, what?" His grip tightened.

"Yes sir!" With these words he let her go and she dropped to the floor. Her hands rose to where his previously were. He knelt down once again.

"Such a good girl." When he touched her this time, it was gentle. His rough hands brushed across her cheek in an almost compassionate fashion. The hatred and defiance in her eyes from before were gone and replaced with submission.

'This could be easier than I thought...'

"Boss, we got a new one." Joker turned around and saw Frost standing with a lanky man in a lab coat with thick glasses. His nose was bleeding slightly and his clothes had been jostled around. Joker clicked his tongue and left Iris, walking over to the man. The closer he got the more stiff the man became, absolute terror filled his eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2017 ⏰

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