Iris and The Joker

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It seemed like hours that Iris had been sitting on the floor. Aside from their sporadic conversations, her guards remained silent while watching over her. Iris sat hugging her knees, chin resting on them as she tried to work out her best option for escape. These men were ordered by The Joker to watch her all night and stop her if she tried to run away again. One man stood in front of the window while the other leaned against the door, blocking all of her exits.

'There is no way that I could overpower even one of them.'

Iris closed her eyes, deciding that the best course of action was to lie in wait. With her eyes closed she was able to relax little by little. She felt the world begin to fall away from her as her mind went blank.

The room and her mind fell silent.

A very faint laughter filled the room, Iris' eyes flew open and she looked around the room in surprise.

"The hell is your problem?" The goon at the door said, annoyed. The other had his eyes glued to his phone and couldn't be bothered with her. Iris shot the man a cautious glance; he was the one who'd slapped her before. She cast her eyes down, hoping to avoid another confrontation.

Laughter floated through the air again, it was light hearted and bubbly. The men either couldn't hear it or decided to pay it no mind. Tears filled Iris' eyes when she realized who's laugh she was hearing.


The harder she concentrated the louder the voice got and the louder the voice got, the more discarnate it became. Her mother's beautiful laugh became something distant that seemed to ridicule her. Iris felt as if she had been shot dead from the mocking tone of what used to be her mother's voice. Her body became heavy and she felt as something constrict her heart.


"Frost said the boss is ready for her" Iris was ripped from the floor, by her arm and dragged across the room.

"Finally!" The man by the door grabbed her other arm and together they carried her out of the room and down the hall. Iris felt like she was a million miles away, watching over her body as they dragged her roughly through The Joker's mansion. She could feel her body as it ached and protested but it refused to move. The laughter followed her, weaving its way throughout her mind.

The men stopped in front of a door made of thick dark wood. They pulled her through the doorway and dropped her in the middle of the floor. Iris hit the floor like a rag doll, her hair falling in her face, floating up and back down with her breath. Her eyes were wide but distant. The sound of the door shutting echoed through her head, silencing the laughter.

A pair of flashy monochrome oxfords stepped into her line of sight, getting closer and closer with each step, stopping inches from her face. She felt a hand brush the hair out of her face. Looking up, her eyes focused on The Joker's very serious face, he was squatting in front of her. Iris watched him as his gaze traveled up and down her body, a look of concentration clouded his face. Rising, he walked away only to return seconds later with a small white box in hand. He set it down next to her and sat her up.

He took both of her arms in his hands and looked them over. He let them fall into her lap as he opened up the box that he brought. Iris looked over and saw that it was a first aid kit. She watched him as he shuffled the items around in the box until he found what he was looking for. Placing a few rolls of gauze, alcohol and wipes in front of him, he set to work.

His touch was gentle as he cleaned and dressed each of cuts and scrapes, focusing on the side she fell on outside. Iris watched him closely as he worked on her, he seemed much different than the man that she held at gunpoint only hours ago.

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