[Not] Cuddling With Him (Michael)

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I heard the strumming of a guitar in the study room next door. Michael had had another two am song brain storm. I knew he was trying to be quiet, but sometimes his habit would wake me. I left the bed and went into the study to listen. I found him slowly spinning left and right in the swivel chair, strumming and nodding his head along to an imaginary beat. As he spun back towards me, he looked up, surprised to see me.

"I'm sorry," he said, pushing his bottom lip out a little bit

I smiled and shook my head. "It sounds good." I went over and leaned in to kiss him.

"Wait," he said. I stood back up and watched him as he slung the guitar over his head and set it on the floor. He then pulled me into his lap so my legs straddled him. "I love you," he whispered as he kissed me, gripping my hands in his lap.

I wrapped my arms around his neck. His hands then slid down my arms and around my waist as he continued to kiss me. After a few minutes I pulled away, leaning my forehead into his. "I love you too," I whispered back.

He smiled, moving his hands underneath my backside. He gripped tightly while standing up and carrying me back to our bedroom.

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