The Proposal: Michael

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The boys concluded a song and the audience cheered. I stood in the left wing, applauding as well. Michael, my boyfriend, looked over and smiled at me. He turned back to crowd, waving and they cheered louder.

"You guys have been a great crowd tonight," Luke bellowed into the mic when he noticed. "So, this here is a special show tonight because Michael and his girlfriend have been together for five years!"

Michael blushed as the crowd cheered for him.

"She's over there, behind the scenes," Calum pointed at me and I took a step back. "Speak of the literal Devil..." Calum didn't get to finish because Michael suddenly appeared behind him and smacked him upside the head. The crowd erupted into laughter, allowing Luke to finish Calum's sentence.

"You might wanna come out here 'cause he's got something for ya."

I was intrigued, but sudden fear prevented me from stepping out onto the stage. I saw the boys smiling at me and gesturing me to come out. I shook my head.

"She's saying no," Calum said. "Okay."

"No!" Michael said turning to me. "Not okay! Everyone; Y/N! Y/N!"

The crowd chanted my nickname as Michael looked at me tauntingly. For the fun of it, I shook my head again.

"Still no?" Ashton asked.

"I get it," Michael said, pacing the stage. "You don't care; about them," he pointed to the audience who cheered. "About us," he gestured to the band. "Or about me," he pretended to be hurt. I narrowed my eyes and made a gesture. The boys laughed

"She just flipped him the bird," Luke laughed and the crowd did as well. "I guess we can't make you come out so-"

Michael had already taken his guitar off and ran to me. I'd taken off as well, so Michael ran off the stage to chase me around the back stage. He got a security guard to catch me and take me to him. He walked backwards back to the stage, dragging me on the floor with him. I felt the warm lights over my head and I heard the crowd cheering and laughing.

"Oh, he got you," Calum said.

"Don't run away," Michael whispered in my ear. "I have something for you and I think you'll like it."

I nodded, standing. I waved the crowd and they cheered back.

"As we were saying," Michael said, grabbing his microphone and pulling it off the stand. "Y/N, the past five years of my life have been the best. I love you; you're the best girlfriend ever."

The crowed awed.

"My question to you is would you give me another fifty?" Michael smiled as he pulled a box out of his pocket. My heart stopped as he lowered himself onto his left knee. The crowd went nuts. They chanted "Yes!" over and over again. I didn't pay attention, I was gawking at the beautiful diamond ring in the center of the box. I felt the tears in my eyes. I couldn't speak because he wouldn't hear me, so I nodded. Trying not to cry himself, he slid the ring on my finger.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2017 ⏰

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