I'm Just a Reject

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Author's note: If your still here, I commend you. Also if you think these are dramatic now, they about to get worse bruh.

"If you tell anyone I'll fucking kill you," I said as I told my best friend, Y/F/N a secret.

"Holy shit," she leaned away and cupped her hand to her mouth. "I won't tell a soul!"

"Whatcha guys talking about?" Ashton entered the room to get some snacks for the movie they were about to play.

"Nothing really," Y/F/N said. "What are we watching tonight?"

"White Chicks," Ashton said smiling, knowing how much we loved chick comedies.

"Cool," Y/F/N said.

Thundering footsteps came down the stairs and Michael appeared. "Babe, wanna go to the store with me?"

Y/F/N jumped up excitedly. "Yes," she said running over to him and kissing him passionately.

I watched yearningly as they wrapped their arms around each other and walked out the door. Ashton caught me staring.

"You want something don't ya?" he teased, sitting down with me. I grew tense.

"Um, yeah, I guess," I stammered. Was it a good idea to confess my feelings for him right here and now? "You wouldn't mind giving that to me would you?" I asked nervously.

Ashton laughed, thinking I was joking so I giggled along. It took him a minute to see my questioning face, and realizing I was serious. "Oh, um Y/N," he stammered now. I waited for his reply. "Oh God, this is awkward." Well this certainly isn't going to end well. "Kitty, I'm flattered, I-I really am, believe me. I just don't see us that way. I like being friends with you, and I hope we can stay that way."

PSSSHHHHHH went my heart scattered to pieces all over the floor. My head nodded and my mouth said, "Sure, it's fine. Thanks." My heart, on the other hand, was saying so many things and running full of thoughts I couldn't control the tears about to prick my eyes. "I'm gonna go to my room real quick, I'll join you guys for the movie in a little bit." Ashton nodded and I raced up the stairs to my room and closed and locked the door, letting my tears fall. Every time I took a breath I had to cover my mouth so no one would hear me. I sank into my bed and cried in my pillow until I heard a knock on the door.

"Y/N?" It was Y/F/N. I let her in and hugged her, burying my face in her chest as she hugged me back. "What happened, and whose ass do I need to kick?"

I sniffed a laugh and breathed out. "Please don't kick anyone's ass, I just need to cry about it."

"So what happened?" she asked.

"I told Ashton I liked him, and he turned me down," I said.

"Was he an ass about it?"

"No, he was really nice," I answered, squeezing out what tears I had left. "That's what hurts the most."

"Aw, my poor Y/N," she said, rubbing my back. "Everything will be okay."

"How do you know?" I asked her.

"Remember when we were younger and we thought this whole thing out?" she asked.

"Yeah," I recalled.

"Remember what you said you were going to do?" she asked, trying to refresh my memory.

"I think so, yeah," I said faintly recalling the memory.

"Then wipe those tears and get too it. Life's too short, so don't waste it being sad," she said.

I smiled, letting go of my friend and wiping the tears from my eyes. "Okay," I said. "I'll do it."

The guys were finishing another round of whatever game they were playing when we joined them.

"Hey guys," I said.

"Hey," They said. "Wanna join us? The pizza should be here any second," Michael said.

"You got mine, right?" Y/F/N raised an eyebrow.

Michael sighed, "Yes babe, I got your no cheese, no meat, no fucking point pizza."

We laughed it off and sat down with them, playing until the doorbell rang. Michael went and grabbed the four pizza boxes, handing one of them to his girlfriend and setting the rest on the table over the abandoned game. Ashton put the movie in and we all sat in our respective seats for it.

When it was over, I helped pick up the empty soda cups, pizza boxes and other garbage from the room and carried it downstairs. Calum came down and joined me.

"So what's your deal?" he asked, sitting at the barstool.

"What are you talking about?" I asked him.

"You were crying earlier today weren't you?" He asked. "What's wrong?"

"I told someone I like him, but he doesn't like me back," I almost cried again.

"What??" Calum said. "How dare he, he obviously doesn't have eyes." His reaction shocked me, and he got up from the stool to give me a hug. It took me by surprise, but I hugged him back. "He's an asshole; he doesn't know what he's not getting." Hearing his made me emotional. I began to question who I really liked. Calum was standing here hugging me, because I was sad. I remembered whenever I was sad, Calum was the first to wipe my tears; the first to make sure I was okay. I looked up at him to see him looking back into my eyes. As if he read my mind he leaned in and kissed my temple. I shuddered as his plush lips moved over my skin down to my eyebrow. I grew tense when he bent down and kissed my cheek. I couldn't take it anymore. I stood on my toes and crashed my lips into his. He breathed a short breath in shock but kissed me back, his tongue grazed my lips but never entered my mouth. He's such a tease, I thought. We kissed for a good five minutes before pulling apart looking into each other's eyes in confusion.

"What just happened?" I breathed still choking on my tears.

Calum smiled. "I think we're official, now."

I smiled back. "Really?"

"If you want," Calum offered, kissing my nose.

I giggled, completely forgetting about Ashton. "I-I'd love to," I breathed.

"Oh fuck," I leaned over and saw my best friend standing on the stairway. "Oh no, don't mind me," she said. "I'm happy for you, go ahead." She grabbed her water bottle from the counter and retreated back up the stairs.

I looked back at Calum and smiled. "If you want me, I'm yours," I said.

"Are you sure?" he asked. "I mean you just-"

"I'm sure," I said.

"Then I'm yours," Calum said, leaning in and kissing me again, this time longer and more passionate.

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