First Date (Michael)

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For me lol

I was excited for my first date with Michael. It couldn't have come at a better time either; my face was finally clear of red spots, and my body was free of excess fat and cellulite. It was all traded for well-developed muscle, and I didn't even lose my butt. I smiled at my new clothes on my bed. Michael didn't tell me where we were going so I didn't know what would be appropriate. I decided dress casually with a white shirt that said, "I Hope Your Mom Finds Your Tumblr," black high waist shorts, and white Vans. I tucked my shirt in and fixed my makeup. I winged my eyeliner, and coated my lashes with waterproof mascara. I straightened out my eyebrows and lips and left my hair in its side part.

The doorbell rang and I heard my best friend and roommate, Kitty, get up from her room to answer it. I heard Michael's voice and I shakily took a breath. It's now or never, I thought. I opened my door and stepped into the small living room. I saw him. He looked great as always. His hair was pale blonde and some streaks of red and orange, looking like fire. It was very hot – no pun intended.

He looked me up and down and smiled. His smile was contagious and I felt the corners of my mouth curling upwards as well. "You look beautiful," he said.

"You too," I said, and the smile instantly disappeared as I realized what'd come out of my mouth. "Oh shit, I mean... ugh, sorry."

He laughed. "It's okay, I know what you mean. Ready?"

"Yeah," I replied. We walked out the door and down to his car.

As he started driving down the busy highway, he handed me his iPod and said I could pick the song. As I shuffled through the artists I asked, "So, where are we going?"

"It's a surprise," he answered, smiling.

"Oh, okay," I accepted the answer and chose a song. It was an acoustic version of For the First Time by Youth in Revolt. I remember very well when I first showed him this band. He was very excited to attend a concert with me and ended up knowing more about them than I did. I started singing softly along to the song, until the chorus came and Michael began belting it out. I could tell he was into it so I raised my volume as well. We sang along to it as he drove. We both knew right then, this was going to be our song.

He drove on for about an hour, in and out of the big city, and stopped once to get gas. I thought, where in the Hell could he possibly take me where it takes forever to get to? I quickly realized that in order to avoid the traffic, he had to go around and take the freeway. He drove to the nicer part of the city; it was much cleaner, people were friendlier, and the buildings were pretty much brand new. He turned away from the downtown area and pulled into a massive parking lot for a small amusement park.

"Here?" I asked.

"Is that okay?" he stuttered. Michael seemed anxious that I may not have liked his idea of a date.

"Of course!" I jumped from the car with a grin on my face and walked around the front to meet him. As we walked to the front, he took my hand and laced his fingers with mine. "This is going to be fun!"

"That's what I was hoping you'd say," he said with a slight sigh of relief, but there was also happiness in his voice. We neared the entrance and stood in line. Michael looked around and took a beanie and sunglasses out of his jacket pocket and put them on. I looked around as well. It'd be a shame if our first date was ruined by a mob of fan-girls.

When we were inside Michael turned to me, "Where do you wanna start?" he asked.

"I don't know," I said looking around. I loved amusement parks and everything about them. How they made my adrenaline kick into high gear with the rides, the satisfaction from hunger with crappy fried food, and competitive gaming. "Let's start with some rides."

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