Opposites Attract

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"Can you get me the Chex?" Y/N asked as Y/F/N got up to put her tea mug in the sink.

"Sure," Y/F/N grabbed the bag of snacks and threw them at her friend. She made her way back to the couch. "How many have you completed?"

Y/F/N had distracted Y/N with an advanced Sudoku puzzle book. It had only been five minutes and she'd whizzed through almost half of them.

"Way more than I should have," Y/N didn't look up from the book but paused to open the bag of Chex mix.

"I still don't understand how you do it," Y/F/N shook her head.

"I don't understand how you do chemistry," Y/N finally looked up at her friend.

"Touché," Y/F/N replied. "I need to get back to writing though, stay busy."

"Only for another ten minutes," Y/N replied, flipping the page over and started on another puzzle.

They sat in silence on the bus, when Y/F/N heard a familiar voice call her name. "Y/F/N?" She looked up to see Calum standing in the doorway. The corner of her eye caught Y/N looking up and smiling at him. "Can we talk real quick? It's important," he said. He wasn't smiling, so this must have been serious.

"Uh, yeah," She shrugged at Y/N and followed Calum to their sleeping area. "Hey Michael," She said as he passed her to their living area.

"Sup," he said as he passed.

Calum let her in first and closed the door behind him. "You can sit if you want to," he gestured to the lowest bunk.

"Am I in trouble?" Y/F/N asked, sitting.

Calum laughed, sitting at the bunk across from her. "Well that depends."

He paused.

She flew her hands up, "On?"

Calum spread his legs a little further and leaned his elbows on them. He brushed his thumb over his mouth before speaking. "I, uh, haven't done this in a while, but I want you to know that, I um, I really like you."

She sighed in relief. "Thanks Calum, I really like you too," she said.

"Really?" his face lit up. "So you maybe wanna get a meal sometime or maybe Starbucks? I know you love Starbucks."

The smile instantly fell from her face. She was in trouble. Deep, deep trouble piled with shit served with a side of Hoe, Don't Do It. "Oh, you like me... like that?" She asked, trying to confirm.

"Yeah," Calum said, still smiling. "Whadaya say?"

Y/F/N was speechless. She couldn't say anything. She had very little feelings for Calum. She couldn't do it, not to Kitty. It wasn't fair. Unless she said okay, Calum was at the bottom of her list. Does this mean Michael, her crush, doesn't like her? This made Wolfgang slightly depressed.

"Uh, wow," she ran her fingers through her freshly bleached hair. "Calum, that's... wow... I haven't gotten this in a long time. I'll think about it, okay?"

Urgent! 911! Emergency! She thought to herself. This is not good! Y/F/N powerwalked back to the den, unsure if she should tell Y/N what just happened.

"Hey Y/N, can we talk?" Michael approached the (unnatural color) haired girl.

"Hang on," she said. "Almost done with this puzzle."

Michael sat down and smiled as she completed her puzzle. "You're really good at that," he said.

"Oh, thank you," she accepted the compliment, smiling. "What did you wanna talk about?"

Michael took a deep breath and ran his hands through his hair. "Well, I don't like to beat around the bush, so... Y/N I really like you, like a lot. So, would you like to get dinner or see a movie tonight?"

Oooooohhhhh shit, Y/N thought. Not good, not good. "Um, wow, Michael. I never knew you felt that way," she said. What do, what do, WHAT DO?!

"Yeah, so whadaya say?" he asked again, leaning in with a big, eager grin on his face.

"Um," Y/N stammered.

"No?" Michael's smile fell.

"That's very nice of you Michael, and I'm flattered, I'm... I'll think about it, okay?" She smiled so he didn't get too disappointed.

At that moment, Y/F/N bust back into the room, "CODE FORTY-SEVEN!!!" she yelled.

"Oh shit!" Y/N shook her head sighing. "Code forty-seven too."

Y/F/N balled up her fists and threw them down. "FUCKING FUCK!"

"C'mon," Y/N pulled her best friend's arm to the back of the bus.

"What did he say exactly?" Y/F/N asked.

"I really like you, let's get dinner or a movie sometime," Y/N repeated in a bad Australian accent.

"Oh my God," Y/F/N said a little loudly.

"What do you wanna do about it?" Y/N asked.

"I think we need to take a minute to be heartbroken, and then decide what to do," Y/F/N said.

There was a five minute long pause where the only sound was the occasional heavy sigh.

"So, what do you wanna do?" Y/N asked again.

"Honestly," Y/F/N started. "I don't know."

Y/N rolled her eyes. "Oh COME ON!" she slapped her friend. "That is such bullshit! You know you are never the type of person to give up so easily."

"Yes I am," Y/F/N reminded.

"Okay, maybe sometimes."

"No, pretty much all the time."

"Okay, whatever," Y/N raised a finger. "But you're not giving up this time."

"So what do you have in mind?" Y/F/N asked.

"We're going to go out with them, you with Calum, and me with Michael."


"We'll go someplace crowded and switch places and spend all day keeping each other apart," Y/N smiled.

Y/F/N bit her lip. "As diabolical as that is, as much as I love that idea, I think we'd be better off by telling them the truth."

Y/N raised an eyebrow but shrugged. "Okay," she agreed. "I guess it's simpler." 

Author's Note: During the time of writing this, we developed a code and wrote down each meaning. yeah we weird. lol

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