The Table Squeak

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Y/N looked directly at her friend, using the eye contact conversation gig. Y/F/N looked back and nodded. It was time to split the awkward silence.

"So, Ashton," she said. "Do you like video games?"

"I love them," he said smiling. "Luke here and the guys and I still play the N-64."

"Oh my gosh, we have a '64," Y/F/N said. "You guys should come over and play with us sometime."

'Good going,' Y/N thought.

"What do you play?" Luke looked at Y/F/N quizzically.

"Mainly Mario, and Zelda, and Conker's Bad Fur Day," she answered.

Luke seemed intrigued the moment she said 'Conker's Bad Fur Day.' They discussed the game for a few minutes when Ashton leaned into Y/N's ear and squeezed her hand.

"Are you having fun?" He whispered.

"Lots, thanks," she said smiling.

"Good," he responded, moving his hand down her thigh and squeezing, resulting a shrieking, 'EEP!' from the five foot one brunette.

Y/F/N immediately glowered at Ashton with wide eyes. "I know what you did. I fucking know what you just did to her."

"Wh- what?" Ashton slapped on his puppy eyes and confused eyebrows.

"Don't play dumb with me, you boner socket, I know you squeezed her knee," Y/F/N put on her deep Morgan Freeman voice, indicating she meant serious business.

The table was silent.

Ashton looked at his girlfriend, "What's a boner socket?"

"It doesn't matter what it means, it's what you are," Y/F/N said.

"Okay, but how do you know I squeezed her knee?" Ashton asked her.

Y/F/N smirked. "I used to do that to her."

Y/N snorted from laughter and Luke and Ashton looked confused as Y/F/N continued to eat with an expressionless face.

"Um," Luke stammered. "So what have you not done to each other?"

Y/F/N and Y/N looked at each other, then at their dates, and then back and each other. And they burst into a laughing fit. They laughed really loudly at each other, pointing at each other, their dates, each other's dates, and back at each other. Multiple patrons turned their heads at their table as the two girls got up and left.

"What just happened?" Ashton asked.

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