The Eight-Legged Intruder

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***Trigger warning: Spiders, and spider descriptions


Y/N waited patiently for her friend to answer the door. She checked around the halls and under feet, in case her reason for disturbing her friend during sex had followed her.

No answer. She knocked again, slightly louder. She heard voices and moving around, and suddenly the door opened. Her friend, Y/F/N, clearly irritated in her red and black lace panties and bra, stared into her soul with a piercing glare.

"This better be important," she said.

"There's a giant spider on my floor," Y/N said, shuddering as she said the 's' word.

Rolling her eyes, her friend said, "One sec," and turned to grab her souvenir satin robe and followed Y/N down the hall to her room.

Opening the door, Y/N and her friend stepped into the room slowly and cautiously. Y/F/N saw every light was on and Y/N's boyfriend, Ashton crouched on the table intensely staring at the floor.

"STOP!" he yelled.

Y/N shrieked as she looked down, almost crying. There was, indeed, a spider on the floor, about the size of a small egg. It stood perfectly still, as if it were waiting until the half- naked people would go to sleep and it could contemplate their deaths.

Y/F/N picked up one of Ashton's shoes and killed it with one swift thump. After tossing the eight legged carcass in the toilet and flushing it, she looked at the couple. "Am I done here?" she asked. They nodded and she promptly left.

"She seems in a weird mood," Ashton commented, climbing down from the table and jumping into the ultimate softness of the hotel bed.

"I interrupted her and Michael again," she explained, climbing in next him. "They haven't had sex in while because of us and she's been irritated."

Y/F/N re-entered her room, intending to tear off the rest of her lover's clothing, but found him asleep. Grunting, she got in bed and wrapped her arms around his body and plotted some long over-due revenge.

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