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Roger's P.O.V

Shit, it was 8am and I'm meant to be at university for 8:30am. How am I gonna manage to be ready by then. I'm guaranteed to be late today. Normally I accidentally sleep in after my alarms gone off and then be convinced that I'm going to be late but most of the time I'm not and I'm there just before I'm meant to go to class. Today however that was not the case and there was no chance of me getting in on time. Its my first day back after Christmas as well. Typical for it to happen to me today of all days.

I rolled out of bed as quick as possible, I pulled on some denim jeans that were on the floor at the end of my bed, grabbed a plain white shirt and quickly threw it on. Then I rushed into the bathroom to wash my face, brush my teeth and see if I could do anything to make my hair look half decent. Honestly, sometimes I really wish I had shorter hair. After i'd made myself look a little more presentable I grabbed my bag, slipped on some shoes and went out the door. Not forgetting to lock it before I started to walk to the university. There was no time for breakfast so it looks like ill have to go hungry for a little while. Luckily I only had two classes today and after that I could head back home. I was walking as fast as I could to get there on time. Thankfully I only lived about 10 minutes away from there but even so, it was 25 past 8 now. There's no way ill be there by half past. As I got nearer I started running and by the time I reached the building I was completely out of breath. I managed to get there by 33 minutes past 8. Its not terribly late I know but you haven't met my teacher. When I reached the door to the room my class was being held in id finally caught my breath back. Then I knocked on the door and was immediately told to enter.

"And what time do you call this Mr Taylor?" boomed my teacher who's name was Mr Richards.

"Very sorry sir, it won't happen again" I replied.

"Damn right it won't. Now find a seat and get yourself sorted" he spoke.

I scanned the room until I found an empty seat. I didn't have any friends in this class. Most probably because it was so boring. I eventually found a seat next to a girl who had medium length, light brown hair.

"Is anyone sitting here?" I questioned.

"um, no I don't think so" she replied.

"ok then, would you mind if I set up camp here?" I asked with a chuckle.

"not in the slightest" she replied with a smile.

As I sat down I couldn't help but notice how beautiful she was. Her eyes were a gorgeous hazel brown colour, her hair was as straight as a pencil, her nails were painted a very warm red colour and the glasses that sat on her face just topped everything off. She really was beautiful.

"I'm Roger by the way. Roger Meddows Taylor" I told her

"nice to meet you Roger. I'm Eleanor. Eleanor Amelia Andrews" she beamed.

"Very nice to meet you also, Eleanor" I replied.

I can already tell this is going to be a class ill be looking forward to coming to and not because of the subject.


Hello everyone:)

Now, I've been wanting to start something like this for a while but I've never got round to it. Yes I still have the 'Maylor Magic' imagines book but I've out a hold on that purely because I have no ideas for it. Don't worry though because when I do have some more ideas ill start writing it again but for now I'm going to concentrate on this book. There is going to be some Maylor in this though but thats all I'm going to tell you for now;) My apologies if some of the facts in this book are incorrect but I'm not really too bothered about getting the factual information down to a T. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and I hope you enjoy whats to come with this book in general. I feel like I'm going to have a lot of fun writing this! A vote/comment would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

-Mary x

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