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Eleanor's P.O.V

The thoughts I was having about possibly being in love with Roger had been pushed to the back of my mind. I didn't need to go falling in love with one of my best friends at this moment. Even when we were on our way down to the practice room to meet Rogers friends, I still didn't think of the possibility of me loving him. Of course I loved him but, only as a friend.  

It took longer than I had expected to get to the room. We went through multiple doors and down  many staircases until we finally reached it. I'm not going to lie but I really was nervous about meeting them. I'd met Brian before of course but I had no idea what Freddie or John would think of me. I knew they'd been asking about meeting me for a while because Roger had told me. He had also told me that Freddie is the most flamboyant and that he will most definitely make himself known to others but John however is quiet and keeps himself to himself most of the time. God, I really hope they don't hate me I thought. 

Once we were at the door Roger was just about to open it when suddenly, out of no where, I instinctively took his hand and held it. I really didn't know what came over me. Roger didn't seem too bothered by it though so that made me feel better. Once we got into the room a distinct smell of cologne hit me. The very same cologne I had smelt on Brian when we first met. I began to look around the room to try and catch my bearings. To my left was a large, black, grand piano. Sat at the piano was a man with long, silky, ebony hair. I figured this may have been Freddie because Roger had told me that he was their main pianist. My eyes wandered round the room further, landing on an unusual yet beautiful looking guitar on its stand. As I looked further to my right I saw that the guitar must've belonged to a Brian as he was sat right next to it. Then I saw a man in the corner, playing with a bass guitar. I guessed this must've been John because he seemed very quiet and I'd already assumed everyone else. 

Once I'd stopped looking round Roger cleared his throat, causing the boys to look up from whatever they were doing. I hadn't realised until now that I was still holding Roger's hand so I quickly took my hand away from his. After doing this, Brian stood up and started to walk towards me. He gave me a huge smile and embraced me into a warm hug. I really was happy to see him. I hadn't seen him since we first met but if felt as though we'd known each other a life time.

"Its so great to see you again Eleanor!" Brian said.

"Its great to see you too Brian" I replied.

"Oh" said the man who I assumed to be Freddie. "I see you two are already aquatinted"

"Ah yeah" Brian said. "She got a bit lost on her way to class on her first day and then bumped into me" he continued with a smile.

"Right then, well I suppose its one less person you have to bore today then dear" Freddie said sarcastically and Brian playfully slapped him on the arm.

"Hello there darling" he said to me, pulling me into a hug. "Im Freddie Mercury, and you must be Eleanor."

"Yeah thats me" I replied with a smile. My nerves slightly fading away.

Then the quieter man came to join the little circle we had unintentionally made. 

"Hello there Eleanor" he said, smiling. "Im John Deacon" 

"Well its lovely to meet you John" I answered. "Its lovely to meet all of you!"

Then, for the next few hours we all just sat and talked about everything and anything that came into our heads. My nerves had completely disappeared at this point. As the day went on Freddie suggested that they show me what they're like. I did not object at all. I really wanted to hear what they were like. Especially Roger of course. Once they had gotten warmed up they played a few covers of songs which were amazing but, then Freddie asked the boys if they wanted to show me one of their own songs. I say their own songs but really it was Brian who wrote it. The song was called 'Keep Yourself Alive' and quite frankly, I was amazed. I was completely mesmerised at how good Roger was at playing the drums and how well Brian could play the guitar. Then theres Freddie's voice. Oh my goodness. I could listen to him sing all day. His voice was so unique and magical. That leaves John. He may be quiet around people but honestly, if he wasn't there, I don't think the songs would have been the same. They're all special in their own way. Once they'd finished playing, Freddie asked me what they were like. I truly was speechless. I hadn't heard anything like it. 

After a while, the boys were just doing their own thing so, I went up to Brian to ask him about his guitar. I was very interested in it. He told me how he'd made it himself with his father a few years ago and that the bulk of it was made out of an old fireplace. It was incredible how he had made such an amazing instrument out of things you fins around your home. It was really inspiring. While I was talking to Brian, I saw Freddie walking up to Roger, looking as if he was going to ask him something. Im pretty sure Brian noticed that I was looking at what they were doing because he put his guitar down and started to watch them as well. I couldn't really understand or see what they were saying to each other but, Roger looked awfully confused. I was trying my best to hear what they were saying but most of it came out as mumbles. However, I did hear something Freddie had said and I'm pretty sure Brian did as well.  I just turned to him with an extremely shocked expression on my face. I didn't know what I was feeling right now to be honest but, what I did know was that Freddie wanted to ask me out on a date...


Oooo, plot twisttt. So, Freddie wants to ask her out on a date. What's Roger gonna think of this:)) Also, I've introduced all the band members into the story now ayyy. Again, I hope you're enjoying it so far! A vote/comment would be appreciated.

Thank you!

-Mary x

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