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Eleanor's POV

When I got home after my first day the house was empty. Mum must've been at work. As soon as I got in I went upstairs, dumped my stuff in my room and then made my way to the kitchen for some food. I was starving and the lingering smell of bacon in the air from this morning wasn't helping. After searching the cupboards for something to eat and being unsuccessful, I decided on an apple. I went into the lounge and sat myself on the sofa. I was sat there for a good 15 minutes or so thinking about my day but no matter how hard I tried the thought of Roger wouldn't leave my mind. I tried to make myself busy so that maybe I would stop thinking about him so I got a glass of water and made my way up to my room to get on with some work.

I'd managed to get a little bit of work done but Roger was still all I could think about. Why was I unable to think of anything or anyone else except this blonde haired beauty? I couldn't be having feelings for him... could I? No. Most definitely not. Today was the first time I've met him for goodness sake! Then, suddenly I heard the door go, interrupting my thoughts.

"Eleanor?" I heard my mum call out.

"Hello mum!" I said as I went downstairs.

"Hello there dear" she said as she gave me a hug. "How was your first day?" she continued as she started to put some grocery shopping she'd done on her way home from work away.

"Well, it wasn't too bad. I got lost but Brian showed me where to go" I said.

"Ooo, who's this Brian you speak of?" my mother asked with a slight grin on her face.

"Oh shut up mum" I said half-heartedly. "He's just a guy I bumped into today, I suppose you could say we're friends now." I carried on.

"See, I told you not to worry" she replied. "So, did you make any other friends?"

"Um, not really. Apart from Brian and this other guy Roger." I said and instantly began to feel my face heat up when I said his name.

"You're blushing!" my mum observed excitedly. "What's Roger like then?" she asked.

"Err, he's, um" I stuttered as I was extremely embarrassed. "He's very nice, good to chat to and seems like a really good friend. Oh, did I forget to mention that he's absolutely drop-dead gorgeous?" I said with a smile surprising myself at my sudden spark of confidence.

"Aw, well I shall look forward to meeting him sometime soon" my mother said cheerfully. Clearly noticing my embarrassment.

I held my head in my hands and sat down at the kitchen table. My mother then stopped putting away the shopping and turned to me.

"Ohh, is someone in love?" my mother asked putting emphasis on the 'love'

"No! Don't be so ridiculous!" I laughed.

I wasn't in love with Roger Taylor... was I?


Soooo, is she in love with him or no? :)) Im really sorry this chapter was much shorter than the last few but I feel like I just need to get a basic story down before I delve deeper into the relationships. So, the next few chapters will most probably be short filler chapters. Im going back to school this week so ill most probably be unable to write that frequently but ill do my best! A vote/comment would be appreciated.

Thank you! :)

-Mary x

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