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* A few days later *

Roger's P.O.V
It had been a few days since since I started to think I had feelings for Eleanor and she still hasn't left my mind once. We haven't been in class since last week because our teacher was off sick. It was kind of a blessing in disguise really because it meant I didn't have to see Eleanor. However, today was another story.

It was our first day back after having a week or so off and quite frankly I was dreading it. I didn't know how I would feel when I saw Eleanor again. Would I just think of her as a friend because we've had time off? I really didn't know what would happen. I don't think i've ever been so worried about seeing a person in my life. Well I suppose i'll just have to go and see what happens.

I had gotten up earlier than I usually would but that was probably due to the fact I was so nervous I couldn't sleep properly. It normally takes me around 15-20 minutes to get ready on a normal day and today was no exception. I got ready, grabbed my things and made my way to the kitchen, leaving my bag by the front door. I was prepared to just grab something quick to eat because I was still in the mindset that I was going to be late, as per usual. But, when I looked at the clock I was shocked to say the least. It read '6:45am.' Fucking hell, I really was early today!

I made my way into the lounge and picked up the phone. Seeing as though I was ready so early, I may as well call one of the boys to see if they were walking to class today. I dialled Freddie's number and he picked up the phone much quicker than I expected.

"Hello" he said with a tone of surprise in his voice.

"Hi Freddie, its Roger" I replied.

"Oh, hello darling, how are - wait, what the fuck are you doing up already?! You're never up this early!!" he chuckled.

"Ah yeah, I couldn't sleep so I just got up" I said. "Anyway, I was wondering if you were walking to class today? Seeing as though i'm ready so early i was thinking if you were i'd walk with you?"

"Why of course dear. You know i always walk, that bastard car of mine still won't start." he answered.

"Right okay, i'll be round to yours in about 10 minutes"

"Ok darling, I shall look forward to it" he replied and then put down the phone.

When i'd put down the phone I grabbed my bag and headed out the door. It was another lovely day, something that we don't get very often in England. Freddie's house wasn't far away at all so it wasn't much of a walk. Once I got to Freddie's house he was waiting at the door for me.

"Fred, why the bloody hell are you waiting for me at the door?" I asked laughing.

"Well I was so excited for you to come here i couldn't wait." he said sarcastically.

"Seriously?" I chucked.

"No of course not, i'm not that fucking weird" he laughed. I was seeing if i had any post."

"Understandable" I said, still laughing.

"Should we get going then?" Freddie asked.

"Yeah good plan" I replied.

Freddie grabbed his bag, locked his front door and we were off. The walk was longer than it would usually be for me because Freddie lived further away. We talked about many things on the way there but, Freddie mentioned something that made me heart start to pound.

"So, when are we going to meet their Eleanor girl you're always talking about?" He asked, genuinely curious.

"Oh - um, well, I-I don't know" I managed to say, however visibly nervous about the idea and Freddie noticed.

"Why have you suddenly gotten all nervous darling?" he asked. "Oh no, Roger, do you like Eleanor?"

Of course I wanted to tell Freddie about my situation but something inside couldn't bring me to do it. So what did I do? I denied it of course.

"No, no, of course i don't."

"Are you sure Rog? You know you can talk to me if there's something bothering you." He said, not sounding convinced.

"Yeah, thanks Fred" I replied.

"Right, ok. Still, me and the rest of the boys want to meet her. Why don't you two come down to the practice room after class today and introduce her to us?" he asked.

"Yeah, I guess. I'll ask her when i see her" I said trying to sound slightly convincing.

"Wonderful, I can't wait, I'll tell the boys the good news!" he said cheerfully.

By the time we'd finished our conversation we'd reached the university building.

"Well i'll see you later then Fred" I said.

"Yeah, see you later darling!" he replied.

And with that, we went our separate ways. I walked up to my classroom, on time for once. As soon as I got to the room the bell went and everyone started to enter the class, including me. I sat down at my table waiting for Eleanor to come in. She was the last one to walk into the class and she looked more beautiful than ever. I'm really going to find it hard to be around her.

When she sat down at the table, she took our her equipment and sat beside me. We chatted for a while about what we'd been up to since the last time we saw each other. The teacher wasn't even here yet so it was a perfect opportunity to ask her about later on.

"What are you doing after class?" I asked her.

"Nothing I don't think" she replied "why?"

"Well, I was wondering if you wanted to come with me down to the practice room and meet the rest of the boys? They're dying to meet you" I smiled.

"Yes! I would love that!" She said enthusiastically.

"Ok, great! You'll love them and i'm sure they'll love you!" I said.

And with that, the teacher walked into the room. The class actually went pretty fast. After we'd got our things together we left the classroom and started to make our way to the practice room. I was actually excited for the boys to meet Eleanor. But, to be honest, I was more excited for them to shut up about meeting her. Brian not so much because he already had.

We finally got to the practice room and just as I was about to open the door, I felt Eleanor grab my hand...

Hi guys!

I finally introduced Freddie into the story yayyy😂 Don't worry, John will be in the next chapter:) I hope you're all enjoying this so far. A vote/comment would really be appreciated.

Thank you!

-Mary x

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