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Eleanor's P.O.V

I was absolutely dreading my first day at university. I had never been the brightest kid on the block but I managed to get by. Even after all the shit my father gave me for supposedly not trying hard enough. Going to university wasn't my idea, as you may probably be able to tell. It was my fathers. Ever since I started high school, all he would talk about is how I needed to do well to get into university. I'd told him countless times I didn't want to and that I wanted to do something that I found more enjoyable but he wouldn't listen. When he gets an idea in his head thats it. No one would be able to tell him any different.

Anyways, like I said, it was my first day at university and I couldn't be more reluctant to go. Yes I was prepared, yes I had all the equipment I needed its just that I couldn't stand the school environment. It may or may not be because of the experience I had in high school but lets not go into that just yet.

Morning of my first day came quicker than I'd anticipated. I woke up that morning to the sound of pots and pans hitting the floor and my mother whistling along to whatever was on the radio. I did still live with my mother. My father had moved out a couple of years ago when he and my mother got into a huge argument. It didn't really affect me, them getting divorced. However it did affect my little sister Maisie a lot. She adored her dad. They would always be outside playing games, riding their bikes or just talking. It really was difficult for her when he moved out, even though she sees him twice a week. Sometimes more than that! I'd stopped staying the night at his as I'd got older because it just wasn't working for us. We'd constantly be at each other throats. Nevertheless, I got up out of bed, quickly pulled on the outfit i'd laid out on my chair for this morning, even though I wasn't in any rush to be ready. I'd gone for a very simple dark blue dress with my black Doc. Martens. I decided to leave my hair natural today and just brushed it out so it didn't look like I'd literally just got out of bed. Once I'd sorted my hair and done what I'd needed to in the bathroom, I made my way downstairs.

When I reached the bottom step of the stairs, the smell of cooked bacon filled my nostrils. So thats why I heard a load of noise in the kitchen this morning, I thought to myself. As I entered the kitchen I was greeted by my very happy mother.

"Ah sweetheart you're up! I've made you some bacon sandwiches with tomato ketchup to prepare you for your big day ahead" she said joyfully.

"Thanks mum! You really know how to make my day" I smiled at her.

"So, are you ready for your first day?" she asked.

I just rolled my eyes.

"I know you don't want to do this but, its only for a couple of years and if nothing else, this is to prove your father wrong. Prove to him that you can do well!" she said with a slight smile.

"Okay mum. I'l do my best. See you later" I replied grabbing my things.

"Have a good first day" I heard her say as I closed the door behind me.

I began walking to the university. Luckily it was a nice day and not too cold either so it was a good walk. It didn't take me long to get there. When I arrived at the building a sudden fear of panic washed over me. I didn't know anyone in the university. Of course i'll make new friends but going in on my first day alone isn't that great. When I'd found the courage to actually walk into the campus I was astonished. It was huge! How on earth I was going to manage to find my way around this place i'll never know!

I'd been wandering around for about 10 minutes looking for my classroom. Its lucky I got there early because if i'd been late this would've been a disaster. I was walking round still in search of the room yet completely lost in my thoughts. I was snapped back to reality when I'd accidentally bumped into a very tall, skinny, curly haired man.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry" I spoke with panic in my voice.

He grabbed the books he dropped off the floor and stood back up.

"Oh its no problem, really. Don't worry about it" he smiled at me.

"Are you new here?" asked. "You look a little lost" he continued.

"Um, yeah actually. Its my first day. I was looking for the biology class" I told him.

"Well isn't that a coincidence" he chuckled. "Im heading to the physics class. They're right next to each other. Would you like to walk with me?" He questioned.

"Uh-well-um yes please" I stuttered. "If it isn't too much bother"

"No, not at all" the man replied. "I'm Brian by the way, Brian May" he spoke, smiling at me once again.

"Im Eleanor Andrews" I told him.

"Well its very nice to meet you Eleanor. Now lets get you to biology. You don't want to be late on your first day."

We began walking round the university, making our way to my class. Me and Brian didn't really talk about much on the way there, we just occasionally spoke about ourselves. Before I knew it we were standing outside the door to my classroom. The bell for class hadn't gone yet so Brian stayed with me until it did.

"You'll probably see my friend Roger in your class. He's studying biology too" he told me.

"Oh okay" I replied. "What does he look like?"

"Well, he's got icy blue eyes, long blonde hair and looks that could kill" Brian described.

"Right then, i'll keep my eye out for him" I said.

Just at that moment the bell rang.

"I best be off Eleanor. It was nice meeting you! I hope ill see you round again soon! Oh, and don't forget to tell Roger I said 'hi'" he called as I went into my class.

When I got into the class it was smaller than I'd expected. It seemed like a nice enough room though. I spotted an empty seat and made my way to sit down on it. I had just finished getting all of my stuff out of my bag when there was a knock at the door. The teacher gestured for the person to open the door. When the door opened my jaw dropped. The man who stood there was absolutely gorgeous. But, hang on a minute. He had icy blue eyes, long blonde hair and looks that could most definitely kill. This must have been Brian's friend Roger...


Hi, hi, hi.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it! I'm probably going to start introducing John and Freddie within the next couple of chapters so don't worry, they will be in this too aha. A vote/comment would really be appreciated!

Thank you!

-Mary x

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