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Eleanor's P.O.V

Sure enough, Freddie came up to me and asked me out. I've not no idea as to where my head is at right now. One minute I'm thinking I'm getting feelings for Roger, then the next I'm accepting Freddie's offer to take me out on a date. Why did I accept? Quite frankly I don't know. It was in the heat of the moment but hey, what've I got to loose? Oh yeah, probably any chance that I could possibly have with Roger...

Maybe I thought that going on this date will help me convince myself that Roger means nothing but a friend to me. Im honestly not 100 percent certain I even want to go on a date with him. Yes, he is incredibly beautiful, has such a wonderful voice and everything about him is just wow. But, I don't see anything happening between us at all. Ugh, I don't know what to do.

As soon as I saw Roger walk out of the practice room I knew it was most probably because he'd seen me and Freddie talking and he obviously knew about the date. But the question is, why had he walked out? Was he jealous? Or did he genuinely just need some space? Whatever it was, I was worried. I'm guessing Brian clocked on and realised I was slightly concerned.

"I'll go and see whats up" he said, standing up from the chair he was sat in and then walking over to the door.

When Brian had left, that just left me in the practice room with Freddie and John. Freddie seemed to be concentrating on working on a song at the piano. John on the other hand was just sitting there but then he came and sat next to me when he noticed I was alone.

"What's up?" he questioned.

"Oh, it's nothing. Don't worry about me" I said trying to sound assuring and ended it with a slight smile.

"It's obviously not nothing" he stated. "Ever since Freddie came over and spoke to you half the band have left the room and you aren't as bubbly as you were when you fist came in. So, tell me whats happened" he continued with a very soft voice.

"Well basically, Freddie's asked me out on a date, I accepted but I don't really know if I do what to go out with him. The reasons behind it are complicated" I replied, looking to the floor.

"Ah, let me guess. Do you have feelings for Roger?" he asked.

"What? Why do you ask that?" I asked him slightly taken aback seeing as though I hadn't explicitly said I had feelings for him.

"Eleanor, its obvious! The way you look at him, the way you smile when he says something, looks at you or just does something in general. I've never seen a girl look at someone in that way if she just thought of them as a friend" he said with a chuckle.

I could feel the heat rising in my face. Was it really that obvious? Surely not because Freddie wouldn't have asked me out if it was. Or maybe he was trying to make Roger jealous. Whatever it was it was the least of my worries right now.

"Oh" was all I could say. "I-um..."

"It's alright" he reassured me. "It's nothing to be ashamed of! Having feelings for someone is a natural thing. It's not a crime and if I'm being honest, I wouldn't be surprised if Roger felt the same way. He's not exactly renown for hiding his feelings" John said.

"Really?" I asked, slightly feeling more hopeful. "You really think he might feel the same way?"

"Of course! Lets face it, who wouldn't?" He said with a smile, making me blush.

"But what do I do about it? I can't exactly go up to him and tell it to him straight" I said.

"You just need to do it subtly. Oh and look, nows your chance!" he answered, indicating to the door.

Roger and Brian were coming back in after being gone a fairly long time. As soon as I saw Roger I ran up to him and wrapped my arms around his neck, hugging him. I felt instantly happier when I saw him and I actually felt safe in his arms. As I eventually pulled away from him I walked over to John and said "Thank you". He replied with a smile.

John was so great with advice. I'm so glad I talked to him about this situation but the main question now is what am I gonna do about Freddie?

I pulled Roger to a corner of the room to talk to him.

"Rog, I need to speak to you but I can't do it when all the other boys are here. So, could we go for a walk or something?" I asked, suddenly awfully confident.

"Oh yeah definitely!" he replied. "But its pissing it down out there so we could go back to my place if you want?" He questioned.

"Yeah thats fine with me" I said with a smile.

"Okay, cool. Do you wanna get going now before it gets too late?" he asked.

"Sure thing, good idea" I replied.

Roger told the other guys that we were heading off. They were all completely fine about it and I saw John wink at me just before I left the room. Me and Roger made our way up the stairs and through the never ending corridors that lead to the exit. Roger was quite right, it was pissing it down. Luckily, it didn't take long to walk to Rogers place. Once we got there Roger put the kettle on and got me one of his jumpers to put on because my coat needed to dry. I loved Roger's house. It very much reflected his personality. When the kettle was boiled, he made us both a cup of tea to warm us up after getting caught in the rain. We both went and sat down on the sofa and I was getting ready to tell Roger how I felt. I was just about to start talking but before I had time to open my mouth Roger started speaking.

"I know you need to talk to me but there's something I really need to talk to you about first..."

Hey guysssss!

So first off, i'm really sorry for not updating in absolutely ages! I haven't really had much motivation to write anything and I also haven't had any time to write butttt... I'm back with another chapter yaya. Things are actually starting to move along with this story, finally!! Is Roger going to tell her that he doesn't want her going out with Freddie or will he get too nervous? and more importantly, will Eleanor manage to tell Roger how she feels...? A vote/comment would be appreciated. Thank youuuu!

-Mary:) x

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