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Rogers P.O.V

After what felt like an eternity we were given work to do so I used this as my opportunity to get closer to Eleanor. We had both finished the work given way before the time given was up so we just started talking about what we were interested in and basically getting to know each other better. I was trying my hardest to concentrate on what she was saying but I was lost in her wonderful eyes and her voice was oh so soothing. I had brought myself back to reality as quick as possible and tried to act as normal as possible. She really was something else. Was I falling in love with her? No. I couldn't be. Could I? I've only just met the girl for goodness sake. I tried my hardest to push these thoughts to the back of my head but it wasn't really working. We carried on talking and we then came onto the subject of our friends. I began telling her about my friends.

"Well theres four of us and we're all in a band you see. Theres me, I play the drums, theres Freddie who is the lead singer and plays the piano, John who's the bass player and last but not least theres Brian, our guitarist" I told her.

"Wow, you're in a band?! Thats incredible!" she said. "Oh, that reminds me actually Brian told me to say 'hi' to you for him."

"Wait, so you've met Brian already then I take it?"

"Yeah, he showed me where this room was, I got a little bit lost you see" she relied with a chuckle.

"I see, well you should come and meet the rest of the gang sometime soon" I told her.

"Yeah, I would love that!" she responded. Just as she did our teacher told us time was up and then the bell rang. Finally, time to get out of this shit hole. However, I didn't really want to leave, purely because I wanted to carry on talking to Eleanor. We both packed our things away and left the room together.

"See you tomorrow then Roggie" she said with a smile, making me blush a little at the nickname she'd given me.

"of course El!" I responded with a grin forming on my face.

I was watching her walk away when suddenly I felt someone put their hands on my shoulders. I jumped a little but then I realised it was only Brian.

"Lovely girl she is" said Brian.

"Yeah, she is" I replied, blushing slightly yet again.

"Ooo, is someone in love" Brian mocked, clearly noticing my reddened cheeks.

"Fuck off Bri" I laughed. "Nothing's going on" I said trying to sound convincing.

"Ok then" Brian said sounding unconvinced. "Well if you need to talk about it if there is something happening my doors always open mate."

"Yeah thanks Bri!" I said.

We both went our separate ways. I managed to make it through my last class of the day with no problems but I couldn't wait to get home. As soon as I left the university I felt a lot less stressed and began to make my way home. When I got to my flat I sat on the sofa thinking about todays events. I couldn't stop thinking about Eleanor. What was this girl doing to me?!


Hey guys!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Im trying to think of the best way to go around this situation that Rogers having with his feelings. Should I keep it going for the next few chapters with the occasional flirting and then get something to happen or should I make it quite quick and get into all the relationship stuff sooner? Let me know what you think. A vote/comment would be appreciated!

Thank you! :)

-Mary x

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