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Rogers P.O.V

"You fucking what?!" I exclaimed.

"I want to ask her out on a date darling, she is single isn't she?" was Freddie's reply.

"Well yes she is but you've only just met her, why the bloody hell would you want to ask her out on a date already?" I asked annoyed but utterly confused as to why he was saying this.

"She seems like a nice girl and she's beautiful. You are alright with me asking he aren't you Roger dear? You know if you're not then I won't." he said with genuine concern in his voice.

"Umm... yeah I guess its cool. Just came as a bit of a shock to me seeing as though you've only just met" I answered.

"Right then, I'm glad you're okay with this. But just know if you aren't you've gotta tell me because I won't want anything to come between us dear." Freddie said.

"Yeah, thanks Fred but its fine honestly" I said and he walked off in Eleanor's direction supposedly going to ask her out.

When Freddie had walked away I sat back at my drum set and did nothing but think. Why the fuck did I tell Freddie that it was alright for her to ask Eleanor out. I obviously was bothered about it but, the bigger question on my mind was why...? Why was I so bothered that Eleanor was most probably going to be going out with Freddie? Was it because I was shocked that it happened so suddenly? Was it because I felt sort of responsible for Eleanor? Or, was it because I really did have some sort of feelings towards her? Ugh, whatever it was I needed it to stop. I can't be dealing with this right now. I looked over to see Freddie talking to Eleanor. She looked like she was enjoying herself as she was laughing and smiling like no tomorrow. I have to admit I was worried about introducing her to Freddie for this exact reason. I know what Freddie's like. It wouldn't just be a few dates here and there. He would make it a lot more and I don't want Eleanor getting hurt by him. She doesn't deserve it. She deserves someone who treats her right, loves her unconditionally and who doesn't mess her around. God listen to me, I'm talking as if I really do like her in that way. I look over again to see Freddie giving Eleanor a hug. Yes it may have just been a friendly hug. I mean he hugs everyone he sees but, this seemed different. The next think I know Freddie gives her a kiss on the cheek. Thats it, I can't watch this any longer. I get up from behind my drums and walk out of the room, trying not to seem too agitated. I walk down the long corridor back up to the stairs that Eleanor and I walked down not so long ago and just sat there with my back up against the wall, head in my hands. Then I hear footsteps that sound as if the person they belong to is running. The footsteps slowed down and then from around the corner I lifted my head and spotted a certain tall, curly haired man. Brian. He approached me slowly and came and sat down next to me on the stairs.

"Brian, what the bloody hell are you doing here? I thought you were in the practice room with the rest of the boys and Eleanor?" I said.

"Yeah I was but when I saw you walk out I came after you cause you looked pretty upset" was his reply.

"Oh, yeah, that. Well I'm fine anyway, I just needed a bit of space thats all" I answered, trying to sound convincing.

"You're obviously not Rog. You just walked out of the room with not explanation. The only times you've ever down that have been if you're upset or annoyed about something. So, tell me whats up" he said very sincerely.

I hesitated for a moment before actually telling Brian what was up. It wasn't because I didn't trust him. Of course I did, I just didn't know if I was ready to accept my feelings at all, let alone tell someone else. Eventually I gave in.

"Well, Freddie came over to me earlier and said he wanted to ask Eleanor out on a date. I said that I was cool with it but in all honesty, I'm not. Ever since I met Eleanor I've started to develop feelings for her. I've tried to ignore them but really, its not going that smoothly. Whenever I see her I kinda forget about everything. She's pretty amazing. Like I said, I've been trying so hard to get rid of these feelings and its not happening. Ever since today I feel like I've been lying to myself because I wouldn't accept the fact that I did have feelings for her. But, when Freddie told be about him asking her out and when I saw them talking and laughing together, that was the breaking point for me. Thats when I walked out..." oh shit, I didn't mean to delve that deep into how I was feeling.

"Right then. Well thats completely understandable. When I saw you and Freddie talking I kinda guessed that he wanted to ask her out from reading his lips. Then when he walked over to me and Eleanor I knew exactly what he was doing. I figured you may have had a slight problem with it when I saw you looking over at them and then when you walked out is when I came after you" Brian said softly.

"I just don't know what to do Bri. She's one of my closest friends. I've got no chance with her and besides, I don't even think she likes me in that way anyway" I said on the verge of breaking down.

"I'll tell you what you need to do. You need to go in there and show Freddie you don't give two shits about what he's up to with her. You and me both know that he can't keep down a stable relationship for more than a week and hey, you never know. Eleanor may even decline his offer for a second date if she doesn't like his company. To be completely honest with you, I think Freddie's just doing it to get a reaction out of you. Try not to think about it too much" he said with a smile and he put his arm around my shoulders.

That's when I lost it. All the emotions that had been bubbling inside me just waiting to come out had been released all in one go. I was never one for crying but this was different. I really must like her if this is happening now. The tears were never ending. Brian pulled me into a warm embrace and I just sobbed on his shoulder for that seemed like forever. He was always there for me, no matter what. He was my best friend and really, I've never met anyone who understands me as much as he does. After a while I had calmed down and we were just sat on the stairs chatting. Eventually we decided to go back into the practice room so, I we both got up, I made myself look slightly more presentable and made our way down the long corridor once again. Once we had reached the door I was overcome with nerves. Brian must've noticed and so he walked in first with me tailing along behind. When we were in the room I was greeted by Eleanor's beautiful face. She had a huge smile on her face as soon as she saw me and then she ran up to me and gave me the biggest hug.

"Where've you been Rog?" she asked. "I was worried about you" she continued still with her arms around my neck.

"I just went out for a bit, I'm fine though don't worry about me" I said, hopefully sounding convincing. 

As I looked up I saw Brian standing there looking at me and Eleanor. I really needed to say something to her, I don't know how much longer I can hold back...

Hi everyoneee!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. My apologies if its a bit rushed but I'm writing this fairly late at night and I'm not really thinking straight aha. Anyway, so what do you think Roger's gonna do? I'm really loving writing this book and I hope you're enjoying reading it as much as I am writing it:) Once again a vote/comment would be appreciated.

Thank youuuu!

-Mary x

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