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C h a p t e r 10:
The Girl

「 Minsoo 」

"Wah, Daebak," I said to myself when surprise is too heavy on my shoulders.

Taeyong oppa gave me an address to where he works. But I never thought I'll end up in front of a huge modern house.

Even though I'm not wearing my glasses (since you already know what kind of crap just happened), the house is obviously as big as castles!

Oppa's employer got to be so rich to own such a place.

But then, after realizing it, I suddenly felt scared of pressing on the door bell. Will a terror security guard show up behind that big gate? Or maybe I'm just exaggerating their wealth?

Gah, I wish oppa told me how rich the kids he's babysitting so that I could've have chosen more decent-looking clothes, not in these oversized t-shirt and sweat pants.

Well, whatever. As if anyone dies from humiliation.

My feet finally found their way closer to the gates. The doorbell rang after I pressed it.

I consumed a few seconds waiting outside before someone finally opened me.

"Taeyong oppa, what took you..." I stopped, trailing off.

I thought oppa was the one who opened me. But it was a boy... wearing a black face mask. The sight couldn't be more familiar.

"Hello," he greeted, fixing his eyes directly at me like I'm the first ever live human he had seen.

I coughed to find my voice, "Hello. Is Lee Taeyong here?" I asked while trying to suppress my nervousness.

His eyes blinked many times and coughed as well like I did. Then he opens the gate wider.

"Your brother is inside. Come in, it's cold out here," I can't hear him well since he got a mask on.

I don't even know why he should use one. Is he allergic from the outside air? Oh well, anyone can use anything as they want after all.

He leads the way as I cluelessly follow. We reached the living area after. I made sure to take a look on every decoration there is. Everything is looking modern and fancy at the same time.

Some day, I'll own a home like this one. I swear to myself to study hard and get a good job later.

"I should call Taeyong hyung upstairs," the boy spoke again which snapped me out from drooling at their things.

Without my answer, he vanished to a stairwell.

I hesitated on sitting down on one of their chairs. I might broke it, or put dirt on it, or---


A mini heart attack strikes me when someone suddenly shouted. I looked the other way to see another guy who already got his finger pointing towards my direction.

But this time, his aura is completely different from the one earlier. His hair is dyed bright red while his skin is white as snow. All in all, he looks like a lighted candle.

I can't see clearly. I got no glasses to use, remember? But I can tell that he's somehow nicer than the one I met earlier.

"Are you Taeyong hyung's sister?" he started. From the tone of his voice, I think he's smiling.

"Uh, y-yeah. My name is Min--"

"Minsoo, right? Hyung told us about you. But..." he suddenly walks closer to where I stand stiffly.

"But?" I asked, wanting him to go on about what he's meaning to say.

"You look familiar," he finishes.

Me? Familiar? I didn't even meet this guy yet. Or maybe we did, I just can't remember.

Silence took over the place while he stare at me intensely, probably recalling how he thought he've seen me before.

"Ah!" he exclaimed and clapped his hands once. Just imagine a bulb lighted beside his head.

"You're the girl!" he claimed cheerfully as if he just realized the fattest obvious.

"Mwo? I'm the girl?" I pointed myself.

"Yes, you're the girl who Jaemin helped!"




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