
284 13 3

C h a p t e r 13:
3 am

「 Minsoo 」

I groaned and threw the bed covers off of my face. The ceiling stared blankly back at me. The windows, the four walls, the glow-in-the-dark stars sticking at every corner of the room, they are watching me. And this blurry image just doesn't help.

"Oppa~ I can’t sleep!" I whispered scream, not wanting to wake up anyone from the other rooms.

I squinted my eyes to see Taeyong oppa clearer, beside me on the bed who's laying on his chest, hugging a penguin plushie upside down. Yep, he's nuzzling the penguin's butt.

"Asdfghjkl..." he mumbled in his sleep, or at least that's only what my ears could comprehend.

"Aish, I'm gonna go drink some milk," swinging my legs off the bed, I slipped on a borrowed home slippers.

It won't hurt drinking milk that is not yours in a house that is also not yours, right?

I still wrapped my blanket around me since it's more or less three in the morning and it's the time that is mostly freezing in Seoul. But don't believe me, really. I'm inborn with sensitive skin, maybe I'm just exaggerating it a bit.

I passed a few closed rooms by trudging the hall, eyeing a couple of their hanged abstract paintings. If I'm not partially blind right now, I'd be hopping my way down the stairs, exploring around the big modern house. Clinging onto the blanket draped around me, I slowly took step by step. I hate the person who broke my glasses but I'll leave him or her in karma's hands.

Thankfully, Taeyong oppa toured me at the necessary rooms and areas that I could have needed to go such as the restroom. So when I move along the place that are now familiar, I just wished that I won't be crossing paths with one of the boys. They won't be still awake at this hour, anyway, so it's okay.

Entering the kitchen became a piece of cake. The last thing left to do is to turn on the lights and boom baby, the fridge is mine. All and only mine.

But after I clicked on the lights, I jolted up from where I was standing as a figure of a sleeping boy was revealed from the darkness, right on top of the island counter.

"Jesus, what the hell.." my mouth couldn't help it.

My hands made their way clutching my chest from how crazily it beats, calming down ever so little and slowly. I thought it was some different kind of creature, but a boy.

And not only a boy but a popular idol! Yes, I finally know that they are freaking stars. How can I not? Just five hours before bedtime, that red-headed Renjun, chatty Donghyuck and Mark oppa is blabbering all about me being an outdated teenager because of not having any ideas of NCT.

But I can't recognize him this far. I walked closer until I see Mark oppa's peacefully sleeping face.

"Aigoo, Mark oppa~" I chuckled, shaking my head.

It was only then when minutes slipped off, I decided not waking him up (for short, I gave up). Such a heavy sleeper. He must be really tired.

So I forget about him and opened the fridge. Various packed of meals instantly impressed me. They are neatly arrange, almost similar to the stuffs inside the fridge back at home. I bet my life this is one of Taeyong oppa's deeds.

I grabbed the carton of milk and poured myself a glass of it. The refreshingly cold beverage relaxes my throat and fills up my thirst. Not only in a second when I found myself pouring another glass but, let me remind you first that I'm clumsy.

Please, my dear people, don't be surprised that the milk is already spilled on the floor. Everyone spills everything tho. Let me take back the clumsy part. I'm not clumsy, it's normal to drop the milk. Okie?

"Aigoo.." I whispered to myself. I found a dry towel and kneeled down to clean the mess. If Taeyong oppa learned that not only I wasted the boys' drink but also stained the floor he probably been trying hard to keep it shiny and clean for days, I'm dead.

"Mark hyung..." a voice rang out all of a sudden.

I froze.

Someone else is here and well, obviously saw the situation of Mark oppa. Since I'm kneeling down behind the island counter, I kept hiding. Why am I hiding tho?

But the voice is familiar. Like, I heard it before. Maybe it's the one who opened the gate for me, the one who loves to hide behind his mask. Still, I stayed down, clinging the towel damp from white drink.

Silence filled up the kitchen for a few more seconds before I hear footsteps that slightly terrored me. I thought he'd walk around but instead, I heard patting sounds.

"Hyung. Hyung. Mark hyung," he mumbled.

And the room fell into silence once again. What is he doing? Or rather.. what is he thinking? My curiosity and confusion is being triggered now. But let's go back to my prior question, why am I hiding?

"Hyung, wake up," desperation and a little fright are audible in his voice. His pats to Mark oppa even became stronger.

Oh come on, bro, I'm impressed that you're not easy to give up but Mark oppa is—

Groaning, the heavy sleeper suddenly shifted, whining at the boy disturbing his everneeded sleep. Oh well, success for him.

"Min..." Mark oppa mumbled and my eyes widened.

I thought he was going to mention my name because seriously, it'll be unbelievable if he actually got a little consciousness earlier when I tried to wake him up. But...

"...Jae.. hmm.." he finishes off, mouthing a few words at the latter second which for sure, are from an alien dialect.

I lowered myself down, hiding deeper at the other side of the island counter, when there's a few noises shuffling about in the room. Footsteps left the kitchen next.

Then again, it became silent. Is he gone? I guess he is, maybe accompanying Mark to his room since the faint snores are gone as well.

Tired from bending my knees, I finally stood up to stretch and... met his eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2018 ⏰

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