Chapter 10: Finding out

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Ezra pulled open the front door, panting from his work out. He glanced around the area before hearing voices in the kitchen. Walking in, he drew the attention of Hera and Zeb who were discussing school. Ezra looked between the two before saying, "Hey I just got back. I'll hurry up and change to help. Do you mind if I take a quick shower?"

Hera smiled at the sweaty teen before saying with a smirk, "Oh you can take all the time you need in the shower. I don't need you stinking up the kitchen."
Ezra chuckled before running out leaving the two adults alone. "Where wa' he?" Zeb questioned puzzled. Hera absentmindedly answered, "He went on a run." The boy shrugged and walked up the stairs, deciding not to question the kids tactics.

10 minutes later, Ezra walked into the kitchen dressed in sweatpants and a blue t shirt. He causally pulled his hair up while walking over to Hera, seeing what she was preparing. He hummed and nodded, "Chicken wings and mashed potatoes. Nice choice."
Hera smiled from the praise and said distractedly, "How was your run?"
Ezra nodded and turned around to wash his hands, "Fine, I think I got a good 5 miles in." The women's eyes widened but didn't let it show, "Really? If you like running so much, you should join track."
The teen shook his head disapproving, "I don't run for the school because I don't really want to and they also don't let 'special' kids join." Hera's eye twitched "That's stupid." Ezra let out a chuckle as he started to boil the pot of peeled potatoes. "I agree but no one really cares because no handicapped child has wanted the joy of running at school or at least since I've been there."
Hera nodded but said but, continuing the debate, "But the kids should still have that option open to them. It's not fair that a child with no handicaps has the ability to sign up and participate in any club while the other child has a limited choice of where to go."
Ezra smiled softly at the women as she sighed exasperated.
"Hera, the kids don't fight back because a gymnasium right by the school has classes for disabled kids like basketball for wheelers, track for prosthetics, volleyball for prosthetics, and many more. I myself went there for a while to get out of the house. Not a lot of kids go but at least that's there. Plus who wants to do sports in front of the other kids. That leads to bullies and everyone knows that." Hera paused from marinating the chicken and said confused, "What? But that's even more stupid. High school sure has changed since Kanan and I went."
The blue haired boy looked down and the granite, "Yep, more biased kids, harder classes, more doped kids, and teachers who chose which student is better then everyone."

The next day went on like every other school day, get up, eat breakfast, bring backpacks/bags, load into the truck, get out at school, and become separate people. But after-school everything went down hill.
Sabine and Zeb were waiting outside in the front against the truck, growing anxious very moment. Finally after what seemed like eternity to Sabine, Zeb called it and they both entered the High School intent with finding their brother. The two teens suddenly paused as they heard a deep voice vibrate through the halls and glanced at each other, making up their decision instantly. They ran off taking a left and a right before stopping with wide eyes at the scene before them.

With papers thrown everywhere, Ezra was leaning against the lockers with a smirk as the leader of the football team, trash talked Ezra poorly as he was getting on his nerves.
"You worthless, piece of shit. Nobody will ever like you so forget loving. So since nobody is ever going to care, I'm going to use you as my worthless punch bag, k?" Sabine and Zeb silently cringed as they thought of soooooo many ways to fix his 'trash talk' but gave up as they heard the voice of who they were looking for.
"You know you tell me I'm worthless about seven times a school day and we have about 170 school days so 170 x 7 = 1,190. So I am told that I'm worthless 1,190 times a year at least but the funny thing is, is I still don't believe it." He gave a humorlessly chuckle as he stood up with the help of the lockers before he gave a smirk.
Ezra suddenly lounged at the boy and swung his fist, instantly hitting his unexpected target. Sabine and Zeb's eyes widened as they heard the skin hitting skin and the heavy boy fell with dazed eyes to his back. He groaned as he rolled on the floor with his hands cupped to his face. Ezra stood up proudly and looked at the other two with a nonchalant face, "Do you want the same privilege?" The two shorter bullies that were just watching shook their heads furiously and instantly grabbed their leader and hauled him up. As the idiots ran or tried to run off, Ezra slumped against the lockers with a groan and his false act came down. Only as he reached the floor from sliding, only then did they siblings trance break and rush towards the teen.
Ezra chuckled weakly as they crouched and frowned at his face which adorned a black eye, split lip, and bruised cheek. "Hey, sorry I was late and that you had to see that." Sabine ignored his comment and said sadly as she heard Zeb scurrying around to gather his papers, "Why didn't you tell us, Ezzy? Why not let us help you?" Ezra weakly coughed as he irritated his ribs from sitting up straighter, "Because, why get you worried over something as dumb and stupid as name calling? Something's in life are your battles and only yours and this was one of them. I will admit though it's nice to have someone to help me up." He smiled at her as his blue eyes glazed over, making her worry. She lightly tapped his face making him look up at her with half lidded eyes.
Zeb kneeled down beside them with Ezra's bag in hand, the papers thrown inside from hurrying. He slowly passed it to the teen beside him and traded Sabines hand with his own. "I'm going to pick you up now, ok? We need to get you home." He said sincerely with a grimace.
Ezra weakly smiled at the buff man and said softly, "Home. Such a foreign word but is a nice one to finally say." Zeb smiled back softly, as he gently slid his arms under his knees and shoulders. A hiss escaped Ezra's grasp as his ribs were moved and groaned in pain as his head leaned against Zeb's chest. He looked over at Sabine, "Yeah I think it's time for me to get some sleep." And his head dropped. The two conscious teens glance a worry look before rushing out of the building to the truck.

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