~All Over the Place~

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"I'm going straight out, I was not expecting that," Stampy said, looking up from his phone at me.

"Ditto," I said, "in their exact Tweet, '@/Sqaishey and @/Stampylongnose are right. We're dating and it's no use keeping it a secret LOL.' How? Whaaa?" 

"You know, Tom has two mottos he will give his life for. 'Risk it for a biscuit' and 'Live in the present.' When you love someone, you become one with them. Netty had adopted the one in the present," Stampy said, waving his hand to make sure the matter was dismissed. It didn't matter. "Let's see how Nicole is doing. She has the flu after all."


"Hey guys!" I said upon answering my phone.

"Hey, we were wondering how Nicole was doing," Stampy asked, with Sqaishey's colour-changing eyes full of concern in the background.

"I'm doing great!" Nicole called from the background, walking into the frame. She placed her hand on my shoulder and I just held it there.

"Well, then, no more flu?" Sqaishey asked.

"Yep!" I replied, finally getting a word in with Nicole so eager to talk.

"Sure thing!" Nicole added with a cheery smile.

"Well, we have to go eat dinner now," Stampy said.

"We'll see you soon!" Stampy and Sqaishey said in unison as Nicole and I said good-bye.


I heard my phone buzz and immediately looked at it. 


I'm bored.




Squid's been kinda distant recently and I don't know about it


Lemme see what I can do

~time skip~

"So can you do it?"

"Yeah. And if I get this done early, what should I do?" Amy asked.

"Well, maybe you could go forty-five minutes early and help Ash," I responded.

"Cool beans, I'll be there!" Amy said. We said goodbye and hung up.

Hey guys! Lent is over, so I'll be updating more frequently!!! So, hopefully sometime this week, the first three chapters of Sqampy in texts will be up soon!!!

QOTC: Have you seen the new Beauty and the Beast?

AOTC: Yes OMG it was soooo good. If you haven't seen it, I reccomend it. My little Hermione all grown up OMGGGGG


--Luna xxx

It's the Little Things [DISCONTINUED SEE LAST CHAPTER]Where stories live. Discover now