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Sqaishey was still asleep by the time we had to cook breakfast. I scrawled a quick note to her and left it where she would see it. I woke everyone up except for Squid and Nicole and Sqaishey.


I woke up and read Stampy's note. I went into the kitchen after fixing my disastrous bed head. "Morning," I said to everyone with a hug and a quick peck on the cheek for Stampy.

"Does anyone know how long they were up?" I asked, sitting to the right of Netty and Tom and to the left of Amy and Ash. Everyone shook their heads. We were almost done cleaning up when Squid and Nicole came in, fingers intertwined.

"How was your night?" I asked them with an embrace.

"It was awesome!" Squid exclaimed. Nicole nodded in eager agreement.

"Okay, people what do you want to do today?" Tom asked, clapping his hands.

"Zoo!" Nicole and Squid exclaimed excitedly.

"Pretty please?" Nicole added.

"We don't turn down those ideas," Netty said, "One hour."


Ash and I went to our room. I was practically skipping in excitement. "I love the zoo!" I squealed.

"I figured," Ash replied. He left me alone in the room to change. I donned pink shirt, some shorts, my Disney™ vans, and my red hat. I beckoned for Ash to take the room as I went to the bathroom to figure out my hair. Ash joined me two minutes later. He took the side of my hair I wasn't plaiting and started to plait it. It was really good. I looked at him in the mirror with awe. "Mum always said it was a good life skill."

We tied each side off at the same moment. After brushing our teeth, we waited for everyone else.

After what seemed like an eternity (it was only ten minutes), everyone came in. We arrived at the zoo after half an hour. Stampy dragged Sqaishey to look at the cats ("I haven't seen my family in ages!"). Squid led Nicole to the gorillas ("They're so cool, honestly."). Netty and Tom went off to who knows where, though I heard something about pandas ("You just wanna hug 'em tight, Tom!"). I made Ash go to the cute animals like the monkeys and the pandas. We ended up in front of the polar bears, holding hands. Just an ordinary couple. I rested my head on his shoulder. I felt his arm wrap around me and pull me closer.

It rained right after that, so we ran for cover by the gift shop. I was cold, having refused to look at the water forecast. "You cold?" Ash asked me. I nodded. He sacrificed his rain jacket for me and pulled me closer. "I'll keep you warm." (A/N I know this is such a cliché trope, but I love it fight me)

"Let's wait for this to pass," I suggested as everyone came.

"I think we should leave. It's an all-day rain," Stampy said, checking his phone.

We ended up at Ash's house, playing board games. Towards the end of a team game of Monopoly©, I fell asleep on Ash.



my cousins TakeshiHatake1234 and Jim3_alva_qui

QOTC: What was your reaction to Sqampy's engagement?

AOTC: I was with my cousin and her Instagram™ was open. I saw Stampy posted something and I said "are they making out?" And Jime liked the pic before we saw the caption and she was like "maRrY?" and I was like "MarrY? Old fangirl me is so happy, but Starkid for life."


--Luna x

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