Chapter Thirty-Eight: We're Not Bunnies

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Chapter Thirty-Eight: We're Not Bunnies

 The sound of a running shower is what wakes me up the next morning. Well that and the fact that there's the unmistakable hangover headache that's desperate to make its presence known. Groaning I lift my head up only to find its weight unbearable. With a thump I fall back into bed cursing myself for last night. Simultaneously I thank Cole for having to foresight to make me drink a whole bottle of water and two aspirins in the middle of the night. Had it not been for him, Emily Rose would have nothing on me. Obviously I don't do well with hangovers just like every other person out there and that still didn't stop me from inhaling my body weight in tequila last night. Fine, that might be a bit of an exaggeration and I'm grateful for not drinking as much as I'd been planning too but someone needs to make the pain go away! Mentally, I stomp my foot since physically moving would be a one way ticket to the bathroom and would end with me hugging the toilet bowl.

"How're you feeling?"

I mumble an incoherent answer, hugging a pillow closely to me. It smells like Cole. I like it when things smell like Cole. I'll have to do with them since I can't really bear the sound of his amused laughter. He's a cruel, cruel man.

"Tessie, come on you need to get up and eat something. You'll feel better." He says more softly and I open my eyes. Well I'm not exactly capable of opening them; it's more like squinting when someone's got a flashlight all up in your face.

"I don't want to," I whine and shove my face back into the nice smelling pillow. The thought of food is nauseating.

"Well you're going to have to. We've got plans today and you need to get out of bed."

I grumble but at this point I'm dozing off and sleep is welcoming me with open arms. Ah sleep, my oldest and closest friend. No wonder we get along so well, it's always there to take away my pain and the consequences of my various mistakes.

"I don't have to do anything. I'm on vacation, remember?" I huff, making the effort of glaring at Cole before turning my back on him and preparing myself to back to sleep. In my haste to slip back into oblivion I don't think too much about the fact that Cole's not wearing a shirt. That said a sleepy smile makes its way across my face when I think about instating a law which requires Cole to walk around shirtless all the time. Now that would be a wonderful amendment to the constitution wouldn't it?

"Fine, but you asked for it." Maybe I should be more fearful of what he's about to do but it's not an immediate concern so I dismiss the warning I'm receiving from the part of my brain that hasn't been destroyed by alcohol.

"Since you want to sleep, we obviously need to cancel our plans. There's no need for me to get dressed, actually why wear any clothes at all? All I have to do is take off this towel wrapped around my waist. Maybe we'll make a day out of it, how about it Tessie? Let me just take this thing off..."

Wait what?

He's getting naked?


"WAIT!" I shout and cover my eyes with one hand, flailing the other about in space. "Keep your clothes on Stone, I'll get out of the damn bed, just don't get naked."

"Oh so you want to undress me yourself? Can't complain there but why don't you get some food in yourself first."

I want to die. He's totally feeding off of my embarrassment and I'm letting him. How sad is this? Why can't I flirt like the pro I'll never quite be at exchanging sexual innuendos? Maybe I need lessons; do they have a hotline for that?

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