Chapter 17: Daddy Duty

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Walking into the kids room, I lay Cole down on his bed before taking a seat in one of the bean bag chairs in the corner. Morgan follows behind and takes the seat next to me, curling into my side as we watch her brother sleep.

My god, could Kota's father really be Volto? How is that even possible? His father was sent away as soon as the Academy learned he couldn't be controlled.

While Nathan's father got to make the occasional appearance before he attacked Sang, Kota's father needed to be permanently relocated. And if he came after us and Sang, did he also go after Erica and Jessica? There are too many unknowns, and if there's one thing my team hates, it's not knowing. We were all so relieved when Volto disappeared the first time, we didn't even stop to think about the why. Perhaps we should have.

"Daddy Sean?" Morgan whispers, pulling me out of my head and back to the present. Our two beautiful children who we need to protect.

"Yes, bumblebee?"

"Is Daddy Kota's dad really the bad man that took you away from Mommy?"

"Where did you hear that from?"

"From Daddy Silas on the ride home. He said that he's the reason you all had to leave. That he threatened Mommy."

"Silas shouldn't have said that with you in the car," I frown.

The kids shouldn't have to be worried about this. Although I suppose we can't keep them in the dark any longer since he went after them.

"Daddy Silas was really mad. He screamed at Mommy."

"He did what!?"

Silas would never scream at Sang. What the hell happened today?

"Mommy seemed scared, and when she wouldn't calm down, Daddy Silas started screaming. Is he mad at Mommy?"

"I'm sure that's not it, bumblebee. He was probably feeling really emotional with what was going on. I'm sure he was just as scared as Mommy was."

"Daddy, I'm hungry," Morgan says after a few moments of silence. "We were supposed to get lunch after we left the park but we didn't."

"Alright sweetie, why don't you go lay down with Cole and I'll see what we can do about lunch."

Maybe then I can figure out what the hell is going on, and if Kota's dad really is Volto.

"Ok, Daddy."

Morgan places a small kiss on my cheek before getting off of the beanbag chair and walking across the room to Cole's bed. She wraps herself around him, pulling him tight to her chest like we do when they lay down with us.

Giving them both a smile, I rise from the chair and head out to the living room. When I get there, Victor and Corey are hunched over in front of a couple laptops. Axel, Owen, and Marc are looking over some papers while the rest of the two teams are scattered throughout the living room and kitchen, going over various pieces of information. Sang and Kota are out on the balcony.

First, I head over to Owen, who will most likely be able to give me a condensed version of all that happened since I took the kids in the room, and he does not disappoint. Apparently Kota's dad is Volto, but he isn't the same person we were dealing with in Ashley Water. Which is a relief, but at the same time, very troubling. While I'm glad the Academy managed to keep him away, his reappearance means that they've lost track of him for years and didn't inform us. And with them not taking care of Sang after we left, I can see why they aren't her favorite people.

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