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Night had fallen, the moon high in the smooth, starry sky. The darkness swam in the depths of the streets, blocking any sort of vision. Excruciating pain exploded throughout my body. I had yet to feel it as I was still asleep, drowning in the wretched clutches of the curse. Welts and scratches dug their way out of my skin, oozing fresh blood onto the cold bedsheets. This was the price I had to pay for peace. A sacrifice of my own well-being for a faulty treaty between two countries. There wasn't a single person who obeyed it yet here I lay, still living through my own death nightly.

Aaaaaaand this is where my final journal entry ends. Which means this is the last entry I have prewritten and in my various old styles.*Sigh* Those were so tedious to actually write out with a pencil. So that also means that the chapters after this will probably be longer (unless they're from my phone) and perhaps better quality. Doubt it.

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