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Okay all of these are going to be short because they're little five minute hand written things from free write in TL. And this page had a blood stain (?) on it so I'm kinda nervous.

Mania (May-nee-uh): Insanity or craziness usually derived from paranoia.

Everyone is infected by it no matter how much they try and cover it up. But it all surfaces at one point in a violent, emphatic burst. The stimuli is 97% of the time fear. A swathing emotion to some, but an adrenaline booster to others. But just like mania, it lies dormant inside each person's soul. It eats away at the skin and mind, numbing rationality with its tight embrace. The tendrils of it claw at one's soul whenever active, slowly spreading and spreading and spreading. The feeling is irrevocable and unwelcomed by most. A ward off of happiness and a saccharine lure to hatred.

It stops here in my journal. Also literally all definitions and statistics are made up.

Mmhmm I'm BoredHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin