15: Into My Mind

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I stand outside in front of the dorm and stare at my ratty old converse, leaning on the siding of their flat. God, I really need a new pair of these... I place one foot on top of the other over and over until I hear the door open to my left.
"Hey, Lu."
"Since when was I "Lu?" We don't talk anymore."
"Now who's fault is that?" Mark pokes my arm. "That's right; yours."
"Ugh. Just take a bit of the responsibility, it wasn't all me." I smack him back.
"You're right, I could've called, but you could've, too.." He looks at me in mock disapproval.
"I didn't think you wanted me to after our last conversation."
"We always talk. Even after the Cody conversation we talked."
"Whatever. I don't want to do this today, I have enough on my plate as it is."
"So... we'll skirt the issue for the next few months until I can get you alone, then we'll do the same thing next time." He gives me a look. "Right?"
"Okay, let's-" Jackson stops when he sees Mark and I. "Oh, sup, Mark.."
"Hey. Don't worry, I'm going. Luna, we'll talk later." He points at me.
"Whatever. Let's go, Jackson." I grab him by the sleeve.
"Woah- okay, bye, Mark-" he shouts back at him.
"See ya."

"What's up? I thought you and Mark were friends-"
"We are- were- I don't know, it's complicated." I sigh, remembering when Mark and I used to be simple. When we could just talk to each other, no complications, just when we were best friends, that's all. We'd fight over Starbursts, popcorn, and occasionally something important, but nothing too heavy. Now it's all heavy.
"Oh..." Jackson's feet shuffle behind me on the snow covered sidewalk, and for awhile, that's the only noise besides the street bustle.
"So... where are we going?" He jogs up to meet me.
"I thought I'd let you into my head a bit, since we're gonna be together for awhile. We don't have to, obviously, but it was just an idea."
"No! I love it, let's do it." I jump when he links his arm through mine, stiffening as we walk.
As soon as my posture gets more ridged, he immediately pulls his arm from mine. "Sorry.. I didn't think about it-"
I cut him off, looping my arm through his again. "If you're gonna do it, don't be a baby about it."


It shocks me when she reciprocates my actions. I was positive I felt her tense up..
Anyway, I can't say I'm hating it. In fact, I'm loving it. She's never really touchy-feely and I feel privileged.
Soon, I see a ferris wheel in my vision.  Ooh, cool.
"Hey." She nudges me with her elbow.
"See that ferris wheel?"
I nod.
"That's where we're going."
I look at her. "Really?"
She nods.
"Whenever I'm having writers block or something, I come here and ride the ferris wheel. It started as conquering a fear and turned into a habit." She shrugs. "I've found I love ferris wheels."
I nod. "Wow."
"Now hurry, I wanna get on." She runs her hand down my forearm to grab my hand as starts jogging to the amusement park entrance.

I'm Sorry | Jackson WangWhere stories live. Discover now