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More than a millions years ago, the all mighty god created the humans, according to his image and gave him the opportunity to be perfect, just like him. It wasn't until Eve gave Adam the cursed apple which resulted to the human being kicked out of paradise and into the earth where he was meant to suffer. But before that, there are several things that weren't meant to be told.

Until today.

You see, before the human was made, God felt vulnerable; weak. That was why he created the angels, human like figures that were meant to be his own guards and later on consulting the humans and lead them into making the right choice. These angels, were pure, full of love to give. They never meant to harm anyone as the word evil and hatred and harm weren't even in their vocabulary.

Now, this is where our story changes. We all know that several of god's soldiers rebelled against the old mighty god in order for them to possess the same power as he did. History says that they questioned his power with the famous quote of What can god do that we can't?and then, they were kicked out of heaven and into the depths of the earth, into a place that they called Hell.

But that's not how it happened.

Some days after the creation of angels, god created some more human like figures and called them Demons”. Those demons unlike the angels, they were full of hatred, and wicked beyond belief. Love was erased from their hearts and in addition, they were created to do anything in their might to destroy heavens. From the moment they were created, those angel like but full of hatred creatures were tossed in the depths of the earth into their own jail where they would torture all angels and humans that dared to cross their land.

Now you would ask, Why would the god of love do such a terrible thing? Why would he create the evil? What did he have to gain?

The answer is, that God himself wanted to test the humans. He wanted them to be attracted in both light and darkness so that they would have a free will, and so they could choose which side they wanted. But what History seems to skip, is that when god saw what the demons were capable of, he made a prophesy.

He forbittened every single act of love between those two species--especially their kiss was doomed. The prophesy said that such an action would bring the apocalypse and that it would corrupt every source of good in this earth. The name of such act, is Sacrilege.

Then, there are two boys. One angel, and one demon who dared to put love on top of any curse. Who would do anything just to get a glimpse of each other.

And this is where our story begins.

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