Chapter 7

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Thomas sat by his own on the angel's town borders, having his back against the heavy metallic bars of the tall fence that separated the two sides; The demonic side, and the angelic side. The two sides that were constantly fighting each other, yet when It came to humans, they had to work together, co operate, without fighting as that would may bring harm to the human they were protecting.

The demonic side though, to Thomas, no mater how hard he tried to deny to himself, seemed sinful, but beautiful and mysterious at the same time. Especially this one boy whose chocolate eyes would always remain locked on his own and his harsh words that to Thomas seemed nothing less than a compliment. The boy whose lip piercing had gained Thomas' attention, and made him wonder how its surface would feel when their lips brushed. The boy who couldn't leave Thomas' mind no matter how hard he had tried to. It was as If this darkness Newt owned seduced him, pulled him closer and closer each time that they met.

How could that happen to him?

For this exact same reason, he decided to come alone despite Teresa's complains and loud protests. No matter how much he trusted the brunette, he just couldn't confess that he might felt an attraction to not only a boy --- a sin on its own, --- but also a demon. A demonic entity that wanted nothing less than to bring the catastrophe on those who surrounded him. How could Teresa ever understand that? How could she not hate him after that?

So drifted he was in his thoughts that he hadn't realised a eight legged creature started to climb up his tight black jeans, making its way up to his shirt. Only when he felt his shirt tingle and slightly move did he lower his loom down and saw the tiny creature whose wed was straining his clothes. Soon, with a frown on his porcelain face, he identified the creature; A black widow. A fully black, spider. Soon, the realisation hit him.

There were no spiders in heaven.

"What are you doing here?" Thomas asked the tint creature, as it started to climb up at his wrist. Now confused, he lifted his hand up so that he could watch the bug carefully, but before he could do anything to send it away, the spider bit down on its flesh, digging its tiny teeth so deep inside that he winced.

A mere second passed and after Thomas had gained full realisation of the reality --- that a bug that actually bit him --- he gently shoved the spider away and turned his head so that he could have a full image of his hand. Now, there was a red mark in the place where the spider once stood but the questions that once roamed inside of his head were replaced by only one, huge, question.

How could a spider bite him?

"I can see those wheels spinnin' up there, Tommy." A familiar voice spoke from besides him, and soon the strong smell of aftershave and rose filled his nose. "Care to share your thoughts?"

Thomas' jumped up, his wings becoming twice as wide as they were with their ends focusing towards Newt as If wanting to stab the life out of him. The blond boy raised his hands in the air taking one of his most innocent looks, however, Thomas didn't loose his posture. His eyes narrowed on the little figure of the boy in front of him as If daring him to pull his best trick.

"Came back for round two?" The boy demanded trying his best to be harsh. Yet, that was harder than he thought it would be.

Newt only chuckled. "Loose your halo, Tommy." He said his fingers pointing at the empty space on top of his own head. "I didn't come here for trouble."

Thomas' posture softened, but it certainly didn't drop. Therefore, with cautiousness in his voice, he said; "Then why did you come here for?"

"Actually, this is my spot of thoughts." Newt explained whilst having his hands folded behind his back. "You are actually the invader in my privacy space."

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