Chapter 11 (i)

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His eyes slowly opened, only to be blinded by the first, bright sun rays that landed on his eyes. Furrowing his eyebrows, Newt sat up but winced at the memories of the last night, but also the sore and now bruised skin underneath his right eyes.

Thomas, he first thought and instantly lowered his look down to the still peacefully sleeping boy in his arms. The blond let out a sigh in relief once realising that the angel was still safe and sound in his arms. His look drifted up to the calm sea whose water had been a mix of a soft lilac colour along with a faded pink, but soon his focus adverted back to Thomas, staring at the young angel's beautiful features.

The way the boy breathed in his arms, and the way his facial features seemed so peaceful and carefree reminded him of a time that his only worry was when he would return home from school and see his loved ones for yet once again. Sighing at the beautiful and yet tearful memories, the boy leaned his back down at the cold pavement yet kept his eyes locked on the soft cloud of the heavens.

Saying that he was pissed at this god was a great understatement. He was once a human, he deserved to have a guardian angel. But, in his case, the only thing he had was a guardian demon, seeing as hell had already proclaimed him. In this matter, he really had no option of choosing the life that he wanted.

Sighing, he closed his eyes tightly, yet winced once he felt a soft bite on the inside of his forearm. The blond turned his head to look at the throbbing area of his human body, but frowned when he saw nothing else than a little, black spider, already running away to save her own little life. Scoffing, Newt only rolled his eyes.

"Stupid bugs." He muttered as his eyes started to close. Tightening his arms around Thomas, Newt furrowed his eyebrows whilst his body slowly untensed, as he drifted off to a yet an other rest less dream. The life that he had.

The life that he missed.

The life that he had destroyed.

The life that love had destroyed.

19th of December, 1913

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19th of December, 1913

"Newtie!" A childish voice screamed and soon, two little arms and legs were wrapped around the little of his waist. Newt laughed a careless laugh before he closed the wooden door behind him and he turned his head down to look at his little sister, Emily. "I mithed you tho tho mutcth!"

Smiling, he ruffled his fingers through his three year old sister, and picked her up high in his arms. "Hello, sweetheart." He said in a sweet voice, leaning in to kiss her forehead as Emily had already wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Will you come wrap the prethents with uth?" Emily asked cheerfully with big eyes and a more than a bright smile. Newt nodded, and she beamed. "If we are quiet, we can peak in the prethents mummy bought uth!"

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