Chapter 17

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    The wooden door flew open, illuminating the dark room with a dim, grey pulsing light, followed by the sound of heels against the concrete ground. Soon after, followed the well-known to him sound of a key fitting inside a heavy lock. The footsteps had long stopped, however, for a short moment started again, heading away towards the opposite side of the room and suddenly, the entire place grew illuminated, as If Christmas had come early that year.

      He pulled himself back towards his dark shelter, a corner that he had observed remained fairly dark in contrast to the remaining parts of the room. Before him stood two figures; One who had her blonde hair pulled into a high, tight bun behind her head and the other, whose temples were grey in contrast to the rest of his black hair set. Both watched him carefully, each holding their own set of progress cards, much like the ones the nurses held in the human hospitals.

      "Let's take this one more time, shall we?" The woman said, her voice mild and low.

      He lifted his head further up. His hair—greased and unbathed—gracelessly touched his shoulders, and squinting his eyes up to them to protect them from the painful rays of light, he sighed. "I already told you everything I knew."

      Thick bars separated them from him, and taking some small steps forward, the woman stopped right before them. "We have reasons to believe that you're lying."

      "I am not lying." He protested with knitted eyebrows. He had promised himself that this time they wouldn't get to him but so far, they had already managed to make him feel like he was walking on a stretched out rope; Ready to fall.

      "Isn't it in your nature to lie?" The woman pressed. Her voice had become sharper than before. "Isn't it in your nature to deceive? To trick? To kill?"

      "I am not lying about this." He insisted, pushing his body up to a more seating position. Then, he held out his cuffed hands, on which an upside down pentagram was curved. "Why would I lie? I have no motive."

      "So you want us to believe that there is a neutral? That is insane!" The man said instead, much more calmly than the woman.

      "Insane maybe, but impossible? No."

      The man sighed. "You left us no choice." Putting on his leather gloves, he grasped upon a tightly sealed bottle of water and after opening it up, he sprayed the boy with it. He screamed in pain, and where the splashes landed, his flesh appeared vanish into a thick smoke.

      "I am telling the bloody truth!" He grunted out through gritted teeth, crawling away from there as If that were a means of protection. "There is a neutral, and she is dangerous! To us, to you, to the humans! To everyone!"

      "He is of no use. He keeps insisting on this crazy ‘neutral’ theory." The woman muttered underneath, her head shaking in disappointment. "We're done here, for today."

      "Name his status."

      The woman scanned her notes. "Name; Newton Isaac. Age; 73. Status; Demon. Condition; Clinically insane–Public risk–Prisoner. Crime; Sacrilege."

      The man offered a sad smile. It was a pity to see one of his finest student turn like this. "I'll see you tomorrow, Newt."

      As the pair locked things up and turned off the lights for once again, the demon shot up to his feet and threw himself on the bars. His fists gripped on them tightly before he let out a wounded scream, wanting to catch their attention.

      "Thomas! He's in danger! You have to let me out of here! You have to! YOU HAVE TO! WE'LL ALL DIE!"

      The pair said nothing; Instead, they walked out and barricaded the door.

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