Chapter 15

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Being thrusted against the lamp, the book fell into the floor. Consequently, an other one followed suit and then an other one until the desk had been cleared from all its belongings. But just the clear image didn't calm him down, instead, it kept him on going.

He moved to the library with heavy breathing and a more than tortured mind. With his hand, he pushed down all of his books and decorations until the imagine suited what existed in between his lungs; nothing.

No matter how hard he tried to hide her, not matter how hard he tried to make her disappear, she always found a way back to him. To hunt him, to torment him. Therefore, he ripped her off, entrapped her in a wooden box and buried her to a place where no soul, angel or demon, could have ever approached without getting lost forever; The maze. And yet, someone had somehow managed to steal her.

His heart was gone, and it drove him insane. Many different scenarios flashed into his mind, one after the other but no one ever provided a good enough excuse as to why it was gone.

Or maybe, who took it in the first place.

"Enough!" Minho called out. He put a hand in front of the blond boy to keep him from destroying whatever was left standing in his already ruined room and frowned. "What the hell is this about? Stop speaking with riddles already and let me help you!"

Newt stopped and laid his head against the cool surface of his library shelf. "It's gone, Minho. . ."

"What is gone?"

"My heart!" The blond almost screamed in frustration. Then, he kicked the stool in front of him. "It's gone! Someone possesses my heart!"

"Newt, calm down. We'll find it we—"

"No." Newt turned to him and eyed him, suddenly deadly calm. "Do you have any idea what can that person do to me now that he has my heart? He can make me do unspeakable things, Minho! I will be his bloody submissive who does his dirty work!"

"Hey," The Asian put both of his hands on the youngster's shoulders and stared into his eyes. "We will find your heart. Do you know who could have done it?"

"No. . ." Newt pulled away in the slightest, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "I buried her in the place where no one could enter. . ."

"What was that place?"

After a moment of silence, Newt answered. "The bloody maze."

Both of the boys remained quiet. Minho was the first one who spoke. "The maze? Our maze? But that is—"

"—impossible to come out of, yes. Let alone find it. Thus I am sure that whoever did this is a bloody mastermind."

Sighing, Minho plopped back down into his bed. "It's not only that. . ."

"Then what is it?"

"Whoever did it is fucking powerful, mate. There is no way a normal demon or even angel tried to get in and got out that easily. We're dealing with something way out of our lead."

Newt took a seat down at his bed as well and pursed his lips in disappointment. "Does that mean you're not going to help me?"

"Damn no!" The Asian exclaimed. "Whoever had the nerve to mess with my best friend will be sure to spent a year eating dirt, superior being or not."

A small smile formed on the younger boy's lips. For all the many years of their friendship, Minho had never left. Of course at the beginning, Newt tried to pull away quite a lot, he even tried to cut the strings between Minho and him and he even tried to terminate their early friendship. But Minho never let go, and Newt was proud that he could call him his best friend. Maybe even his only friend.

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