Chapter 5

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He fell back to his bed with a loud groan, louder than he had intended it to be. He had just got played by a demon, something that he had promised himself he would never do. His wings, as if sensing his growing upset mood, wrapped themselves around the little of his body, in a way providing him the least of a shelter. The whimpers didn't take long to come though, and that was Teresa's cue to start comforting the boy.

"Hun, hun," Teresa said, running her long fingers through Thomas' dark locks. "What's wrong? You've been acting weird since you first got back. Did something happen down there?"

"I don't want to talk about it. . ." Thomas whispered, pressing the back of his head further down to his pillow. His first day as a guardian and he had already lost. And why? Because of his heart.

His stupid little heart.

"Something in that groan tells me that you actually do want to talk about it." She shrugged. "So talk."

Thomas opened his eyes and stared up at the little girl whose blue eyes pierced right into his soul. At first, he was scared of what the girl would see If she looked deeper than she was supposed so; feelings for a boy and better off, a demon. He wasn't sure how Teresa would react, what his best friend would do.

He remembered the first time he had eve met Teresa, the girl with the sky blue eyes and the pitch black as the abyss hair. It was a sunny day at kidengarden and as usual, Thomas was on his own; alone, sitting at the black fence with his look locked to the opposite school, to the other side. His mother had told him to stay away, but he just wouldn't listen. He was too curious. Too energeticas his mother had called him. In fact, he was so bewildered about the other school that he was close to stepping a foot over at their area.

That was when Teresa showed up and slapped him awake. Thomas fell back at the ground, catching his red cheek and widening his eyes up to the young girl whose blue wings shone at the shadows. His first thought? That she was beautiful. Never in his life had he seen wings like hers, and never in her life had she dealed with someone as curious as him. And then, somehow, they fitted like the key to the lock.

It wasn't until they become close friends, and his mother started to have hope that they'd end up together, start a family and have their own angel children. Honestly, Thomas wanted that as well. Teresa was an amazing girl, and Thomas felt honored at the thought of ever having her as his wife; To be her protector and vise versa. To have a happy home, with happy memories.

However, even If he could force the thought in his mind that he was in love with Teresa, his heart wouldn't skip a beat at her presence, his cheeks wouldn't flush when she'd brush her lips against his cheek, his eyes wouldn't trail down to her body like any other angel boy of his school, and trust me, Teresa was really hot. He just appreciated her as his best friend, and Teresa understood and respected that.

There was something wrong with him, and Thomas knew that. He knew that ever since he was little. Ever since he'd stare at the mirror with his white wings covering his eyes in an protecting shelter, the word different screamed into his mind. Yet, he didn't know how he was different in any way.

When Newt appeared, he knew.

When the demon's chocolate eyes stared at his hazel hues and they trapped into a sinful stare, Thomas could suddenly hear his heart racing up and thudding against his chest in such speed that he was scared Newt would hear. Once he saw how hot, how actually hot, Newt looked in his human form Thomas only wondered how it'd feel like to lick down that pale skin of his and taste his body flavor. Sinful, he knew, but he couldn't help it. What he could do, however, was to push those feelings aside, bury them to the deepest corner of his mind.

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