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I woke up the first day in Brendon's house remembering all the things we did yesterday, I got a restraining lever against Troy, I got a new phone and number, and Troy has no idea where I am. I was so happy, I finally felt at peace. I woke up to Brendon wrapping his arms around me.

"Wake up sleepy head Sarah!"

Brendon sang.

"I'm up, I'm up."

I chuckled.

We sat up and said our good mornings before going downstairs and eating breakfast.

"So how'd you sleep?"

Brendon asked pouring me a bowl of cereal.

"Ugh, amazing. Your mattress is the comfiest thing I've ever felt."

I replied.

"That's good."

He replied as he placed the bowl of cereal in front of me.

"Thank you."

I said.

"You're welcome."

Brendon smiled.

"So tonight I'm having a small get together, just a few interviewers and some other people, they wanna have a MTV Brendon Urie exclusive, they want me to talk about my tour, show them around my house a bit, do some singing for them, basically give all the Panic! fans a bit of an inside to my life."

Brendon said.

"That sounds cool. I wish I could get paid for just singing, having cameras follow me around, maybe do some acting here and there, travel the world, build a fan base, but sadly I can't act, or sing, or dance,....or do anything that has to do with art."

I said.

"Yes you can, you as a person are a piece of work. You just have to express yourself."

Brendon said.

"You should write a book."

I said with a nod.

Brendon beamed.

"No I'm serious, you should you're really inspiring."

I added.

"Why thank you."

He replied running his fingers through his hair.

"And plus, I think your fans would like it."

I smirked.

"Yes, yes they would."

Brendon chuckled.

After breakfast I got dressed and ready and so did Brendon. He said the MTV crew would be coming around 9:00am because they wanted to start early. Brendon came out of the bathroom wearing a suit.

"Well someone looks fancy."

I smirked.

I tried to play it cool but deep down inside I was feeling I wanted to pounce on him and smother him in a thousand kisses, he, sexy...even.


Brendon said adjusting his tie.

"You're welcome."

I replied with a gulp.

I took a deep breath and cleared my throat.

"I'm gonna go upstairs."

The Scars Left By My Memories (Brendon Urie fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now