Chapter 13: -Are

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Snake Eyes came into the training room the next morning and his class was ready to start.

Practice your forms from yesterday, he signed to his apprentices and they split off to their own mats.

He looked at his class for today and tried to avoid looking directly at Temper.

Hawk came through the door of the training room and called out, "Temper."

The whole class looked back and then to Temper who spared a quick glance to Snake Eyes and then walked swiftly over to the general.

Hawk turned quickly and walked to his office not sparing a glance to the woman, knowing she would follow him.

Snake Eyes felt some relief that she had left and then felt guilt. He gave instructions to the students to pair up and spar and they did so accordingly.

He was almost apprehensive about looking to his students to see their progress. Kamakura was determined and Jinx could be as well, but she need motivation that came in forms of competition or challenges. Both could be stubborn, and both were prideful. They weren't helping each other as much as he'd like and he thought about asking Temper what her masters did to make her and her sword brother cooperate. Thought about, but didn't do.

The information she gave him last night swirled through his head and he couldn't fathom that she was from the Kowarenai clan. They were noble, and she could be as well, but they were also the best clan in Japan and they got to the top by being ruthless. He's always heard about the other clans but never really bothered with learning too much besides the basics. What he overheard from other senseis about the clan were nothing but stories of murder and lies that the Kowarenai employed to better themselves.

He snapped out of his thoughts and inadvertently looked over to his apprentices. Jinx was still struggling to perform the moves like yesterday. She wasn't realizing that her stance was too wide and her upper body was too rigid and she continued to do the same thing. Kamakura, on the other hand, had improved quite a bit since yesterday and performed the kata with a few flaws, but not as erroneous as the two had been last night.

Snake Eyes stepped forward towards his male student while Kamakura and Jinx were finishing the last few stances.

Jinx, how long did you practice?

"Around five hours," she said.



Jinx, you're dismissed when the class is done. Kamakura, stay after.

"Yes, sensei," Kamakura said.

Jinx just looked at him, wide-eyed and confused.

Snake Eyes turned back to his class and instructed them on how to better their fighting until the time ran out and Snake Eyes dismissed the class.

Jinx, reluctantly, went out with the class and was not happy.

Kamakura, do you think it would be beneficial for you if Temper trained you from time to time?

"Sensei, I meant no disrespect in taking Temper's advice-" Kamakura said, his voice uneasy.

No, no, Snake Eyes signed quickly. You have done nothing wrong. Taking any advice she gave you has proven useful. You advanced quickly under her. I want to see keep improving.

"Then, with your permission... I do think it would be beneficial to me."

I'll talk to her this evening. You're dismissed.

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